Gravity Falls

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        Our jet landed at the airport with a solid thump. Today was a new day, but I wasn't ready to face it. We had just packed up and left our comfy little home in Pennsylvania and moved clear across the country. We're now in Oregon. Where exactly? I'm not too sure, but I do know we'll be traveling to a quaint little town known as Gravity Falls. New town, new opportunities; who knows what'll happen!


        Our green pick-up truck pulled up to a decently sized white house. Behind it rested a huge red barn, perfect for our alpacas and llamas.

        Speaking of our little herd, the livestock truck pulled up to the house just as we began to start moving things into the house. Without those animals, my family wouldn't have too much money. The fur on those things can be made into the softest of soft clothing and blankets. Both of which are quite popular among a variety of people.

        "Eliza!" my mother called. "Why don't you go down town and explore a little?"

        "Waa- really?" I replied, shocked. My mother almost never let me go off on my own. As she pushed her red hair out of her face, she said something that made me realize why she was allowing me to do such a thing.

        "Since you're a little older now, I figure that you can handle yourself..."


        "...and this can of pepper spray."

        Oh... That makes sense... I thought as she handed me a small sized can of mace. I slipped it into the pocket of my green, baggy cargo pants as soon as she handed it to me. Having a can of blinding juices in my pocket made me a little uneasy.

        I ran back to the car and grabbed my pet hedgehog, Maurice, from his cage and slipped him into the basket of my neon green bike. Afterwards, we made our journey into town.

        Finally, I made it to the absolute best place in the world! The arcade!

        After putting Maurice into the pocket of my purple shirt, I zipped in and looked for some good games. Maybe Dancey Pants Revolution or, even better, Racing Roller*Skates! I chose the racing game and played it four times. I even made the high score, beating someone by the name of DIP. I punched in NRD, for nerd. After playing six other games I figured I had left my mark, so I decided to take my business elsewhere.

        Upon leaving the arcade, I saw a flier taped to a lamppost. At the top of it read in huge, dark green letters, "THE MYSTERY SHACK." Below it were letters of the same color, but smaller in size, reading, "Come on down and discover the mystery!" It then gave the address of the Shack. Before stuffing it into my pants pocket, I noticed, that in the smallest, yet readable print possible, it read, "No refunds." Go figure.


        I managed to make it to the Mystery Shack in good time. However, crushing my hopes of inspecting the "mystery," my cell phone rang. It was my mother. She told me it was time for dinner. I, however, protested that it was only five o'clock and I was about to go somewhere. (I didn't tell her where exactly; I knew she wouldn't want me going into a "shack" by my lonesome.) Not wanting to anger my sweet mother, I just agreed to return home.

        Staring at the weird little cabin, I decided I had to get in there one way or another. Fake or not, my curiosity had peaked.

BTW, these chapters will get longer.

~SF >'-'<

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