The Investigation

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Eliza POV

        Wow, I never thought girls could be so… girly. I mean come on, who reads romance novels at a slumber party? Not to mention, that weird guy-calling board game we had played seriously creeped me out.

        “Hey Eliza,” Grenda, the larger and more gruff sounding girl said, “do you always wear those?”

        “Yeah, they’re kinda my thing.”

        “Can I try them on?” Candy, the skinny, dark haired girl asked adjusting her glasses.

        “Uh, no.”

        “WHAT? Come on Eliza, first you don’t let us try on that tail on your pajama pants-” Mabel started to whine before I interrupted her.

        “I told you it’s attached to the pants!”

        “- and now you won’t let us try on your headband? Party-pooper…” she finished crossing her arms. I knew this was bound to happen so I came prepared. Sighing, I reached into my red bag and pulled out three cat-headbands in bright colors opposed to mine, (which matched my orange hair color).

        “Who wants their own ears?” I laughingly asked. Grenda immediately grabbed the plain pink pair while Candy grabbed the tiger striped, white pair. Mabel took the last pair as her only choice, but she said it was, in fact, her favorite pair out of the rest of them. She put the ruby bedazzled, black pair on her head and squealed at a high-pitched tone only animals should’ve heard. It was strange how a simple accessory could excite people.

        “Anyone want a liquid beverage?” I asked after the girls had finished their squeal-fest.

        “Oo, I’ll take a Pitt Cola!” Mabel said raising her hand.

        “Me too!” Grenda agreed, petting the fur on her new ears.

        “I would also like a Cola of the Pitt,” Candy said before laughing.

        “B.R.B.” I mumbled before retrieving a small container from my bag. I then walked down the stairs and made my way into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I discovered a bottle of Pitt Cola, as requested. After some searching, I eventually found some plastic cups. With a marker, I then marked 6 cups with the letters C, D, E, G, M, and S, signifying which cup belonged to whom. I first filled cups D and S, for Dipper and Soos.

        However, before giving them their drinks, I pulled the container out of my pants pocket and opened it. I pulled a spoon out of a drawer and scooped a spoonful of the dusty powder from the container. Carefully, I then dumped the powder into Soos’s drink and mixed it until it dissolved completely. I then carried the two cups into the break room the boys had been occupying.

        “Hey, who wants a wet liquid?” I bellowed as I entered the room. Soos had been thumbing through a phonebook as Dipper held an old rotary phone, as if he were waiting for something. Oh, prank calls… I then realized, feeling quite idiotic.

        “Thanks Eliza!” Dipper said taking his drink. I then offered Soos his drink, but he wouldn’t respond to me. He was intently staring at me as if he were trying to figure something out.

        “Are you… a werewolf?” he finally said in a hushed tone. I stood there, baffled. A werewolf? Puh-lease! Where does this guy get this stuff? Oh, wait… Cat ears, cat tail. Got it, I thought to myself.

        “Liquid?” I again offered, avoiding his strange question. Soos took the soda and chugged the entire thing right in front of me.

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