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Dipper POV

        Did I really just tell Eliza about everything and did she actually believe me? This is insane! Unless she's messing with me... That wouldn't surprise me. She seemed so sincere when she was talking though...

        I wonder if telling her was the right thing to do. I mean, I can't talk to anyone about this without them falling asleep or laughing at me. But, then again, the journal said I couldn't trust anyone in Gravity Falls. Eliza just moved here though, so maybe it doesn't apply to her. The book was wrong before; I can trust Mabel.

        Oh, this is so frustrating! If only Mabel hadn't destroyed that magical mailbox in the woods with her stupid video*, I could ask it whom I can trust around here and who I can't. Maybe I'm being too judgmental about this whole situation.

        All this thinking is starting to give me a headache...

        "Hey, Eliza," I began to say.

        "Hey, Dipper," she said, sitting up.

        "Are you serious about believing me, and about what you said?" I finally asked.

        "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I thought I was the only one on Earth who ever thought about all this crazy phenomena that happens all the time. I'd prefer to talk to someone without being called a nutcase or boring them to death. A majority of my friends back in PA wanted nothing to do with any of this stuff. I'm just glad I'm not alone this time."

        "This time?"

        "This is the fifth time I've moved in the last two years. Yeah, I stay connected to everyone through technology, but...I haven't managed to find too many 'decent' friends, if you will. I've been stabbed in the back, lied to, ya' know, the usual. Hey, you're not lying to me are you?"

        "No, I'm terrible at lying."

        "Baaaaaah!" a familiar voice mimicked from afar. It was Mabel trying to imitate Gompers the goat.

        "Go away Mabel," I commanded, annoyed.

        "Who's Mabel? I'm Gompers! I eat tin cans! Baaaaah! Why don't you two kiss already?" she continued, doing a ridicules voice that sounded like some guy with a throat problem. I turned around and tossed my empty soda can at her as she peeked out of the trapdoor that led to the roof. She screamed and ducked back down into the building.


        Eliza and I spent the rest of the day discussing our encounters with the paranormal in the living room. Of course we had some actual, human conversations in between, but who cares about that lame stuff?

        "So your Grunkle has this journal locked away somewhere?" she asked me, breaking out of our previous discussion.

        "Well, kinda... I've asked him for it a couple of times, but he keeps saying to forget about it."

        "Any idea where he'd keep it?"

        "He might keep it in his room, but- hey! You're not thinking what I think you're thinking are you?"

        "Am I thinking about unicorns and rainbows? No, I'm thinking about swiping back your book."

        "Unicorns and rainbows? Never mind... You can't just take it from him!"

        "Well, not now, but when he's out somewhere and he can't catch me in the act, then yeah."

        "Eliza, I don't know..."

        "Come on, dude! Think about it! It's just a journal! Why exactly would he need it any way? His new exhibits excuse isn't cutting it."

        "You've got a point... I haven't seen any new attractions in the museum for quite some time. But, either way, when are we going to get a chance to go through the entire shack without being caught?" I questioned. The gift shop door opened, causing the bell on the door to ring. Footsteps walked towards us and Grunkle Stan appeared from the doorway.

        "Okay, Dipper, I'm going away for a few days. I'm leaving-"

        "You're not leaving Mabel in charge again, are you?" I interrupted, worried.

        "What? No, I'm leaving Soos in charge. As wild as that seems, he is an adult, I think. Keep the shop open and don't stop raking in the cash, got it Dipper?"

        "Yeah, I guess."

        "Got it Dipper's girlfriend?" he then teased.

        "Yeah, I- hey!" Eliza said, realizing what Stan had said. Then, with a victorious laugh, Stan made his way to his bedroom to pack some things for his trip.

        "Was that lucky or was that lucky?" Eliza pondered, rubbing it in my face.

        "Okay, that was pretty lucky. But Soos is still gonna be here along with Mabel; we'll still get caught one way or another."

        "Not if I have anything to do with it." Eliza seemed pretty sure of what she was doing, but that still worried me.

        "Hey Dipping Sauce!" Mabel bellowed as she ran down the stairs. I could feel what she was about say next and it made me queasy. "Guess who's having a slumber party!" And there it is... "Eliza, you're about to meet my other two best friends! Grenda and Candy! You'll like them!"

        "Wait a minute! Who said you could have a party while Stan is out of town?" I budged in, not wanting to have to deal with screaming girls.

        "Soos did. He's going to stay with you in the break room while we girls have our slumber party in my room," she gloated. I groaned in response and looked at Eliza, who seemed to be hatching a plan before my very eyes. "Can you work with that?" I whispered. She nodded as she adjusted her cat-eared headband.

        The slumber party was held that night and I hated every minute of it. Even from the break room, the girls' laughter could be heard loud and clear. I looked at Soos as he was staring at the ceiling in annoyance. He then saw me looking at him and smiled. "It's okay Dipper, their noise won't interrupt our party! Prank calls?" he reassured me, holding up a rotary phone. I agreed to it, but I still worried about Eliza and our plan.

        She had never actually told me about the plan, so I was overly concerned about what she was going to do.

*The mailbox Dipper's referring to was featured in a Gravity Falls Short. If you asked it a question via writing, it would give you an answer. Mabel destroyed it by trying to send a video of herself stuffing a hundred gummy worms in her nose to her parents. The mailbox was disgusted by the video and made itself cease to exist. So... yeah...

~SF >'-'<

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