Real Time, Real Strange

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Eliza’s POV

        “This is Eliza O’Kelly on the scene of ‘The Bottomless Pit’! I’m gonna throw this camera and stopwatch into this hole. It will come out in a matter of seconds, but it may seem like long time! This is my new assistant! State your name!” I announced, turning the camera to the brown haired kid who was stood over the two sticks I had place on the ground. He hesitated at first, but did as I said.

        “Dipper,” he plainly stated.

        “That’s quite a name! Now, last name!”


        “Say it together!”

        “Dipper Pines…” He appeared to become nervous as I continued to boss him around.

        “Oh yeah! He’s standing the perfect spot as of right now. Why? The camera’s going to come back outta this hole and land in his hands! It’s 10:30 AM, ready?”


        “You’re ready!” I exclaimed as I pressed the timer button on the stopwatch and tossed the camera down the hole. It took a matter of two or three seconds for the two items to return and when they did Dipper caught them like it was his job. He hit the stop button on the watch and stated the time. “23 minutes, 52 seconds, 45 milliseconds. The current time is still 10:30 AM,” he stated proudly into the camera. I guess there was more to his job than I thought!

        I quickly ran over to Dipper to look at the stopwatch myself. He was right! I grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch. 10:30 AM. Everything went perfectly! I snatched the camera from Dipper’s hand and pointed it at myself.

        “There you have it folks! Is it a wormhole, a strange paradox of some sort? Who knows! The Bottomless Pit is truly a bottomless pit! This video was in no way altered. Real time, real strange.”

        “Don’t try this with any other pit. Not every bottomless pit is bottomless!” Dipper warned, getting in my shot. Smiling, I turned off the camera and turned to Dipper who was smiling as well.

        “Thank you for playing along dude! I am so sorry I did that to you!” I apologized, chuckling.

        “It’s cool. So, are you a tourist?” he asked, adjusting his white and blue cap. The blue pine tree on his hat made his last name seem ironic.

        “No, I just moved here from Pennsylvania. How ‘bout you?”

        “Oh, no. I’m staying here for the summer with my sister and great uncle,” Dipper replied, pointing to the Mystery Shack.

        “Really? You think you can let me into that museum? Without paying?”

        “Probably, yeah, but everything in there is fake.”

        “Go figure. How fake?”

        “Extremely. Stan makes most of the exhibits himself. He makes me and my sister make exhibits sometimes. So, yeah, it’s not worth paying.”

        “Take me to the fake.”

        “Suit yourself.” Dipper took me into the museum, and he was so right. Everything was so terribly fake it was funny. He showed me a few things he had made. Everything was fake, but pretty interesting.

        My cell phone rang, interrupting Dipper explaining an adventure he had been on. It was my Mom. She wanted me home for lunch. I sighed and told her I’d be there. Dipper asked me if I could come back later so we could continue our conversation. I told him it was a distinct possibility, but no promises.

        I hopped on my bike and rode back home for lunch, hoping to be able to return like I semi-promised Dipper.

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