Oh. My. Gosh.

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Dipper's POV

        The elevator doors flew open after what seemed like forever, ending one of the most awkward moments of my life. What laid ahead of us was simply unbelievable. I couldn't get a single word out to voice my thoughts.

        Eliza and I walked forward, looking left and right at the various machines that lined the new area. Many small, bright lights shined like stars on the strange technology that surrounded us, obviously still in functioning order. "Don't touch anything, okay," I warned my friend. If we touch something, who knows what could happen.

        "Wasn't planning on it," she reassured me. Everything seemed to be overwhelming her. Fear showed itself on her face, something I thought I'd never see from Eliza O'Kelly. "We've gotta get this on camera," she spoke up, losing the fear that seemed to grip her before. She pulled her cellphone from her pajama-pants pocket. Activating the camera mode, Eliza began to scan the room, not allowing one machine to be forgotten.

        I continued walking until Eliza grabbed my shoulder. "Dude, look at this! It looks like some kind of heart monitor. Ya' know like in hospitals," she pointed out facing a round screen that showed a red line jumping periodically. Suddenly, the line sped up, jumping more frequently. It continued this beat for about three and a half minutes before slowing down again.

        Eliza now gripped my arm, trying to contain either her excitement or her fear. I kind of felt bad for her and I knew that anything I said wouldn't calm her down. "Come on." I led her deeper into the room, passing more machines, including one that resembled a periscope.

        Finally, we made it to the end of the room. There, a desk with a built-in control panel sat against a wall by its lonesome. Several papers depicting a wormhole-like diagram laid in a neat pile in the corner of the desk.

        The flashlight reflected off of two things: a picture of me and Mabel, and a window. As Eliza began shuffling through the desk, I continued to shine the light into the window before us, despite the blinding reflection of the flashlight. A large contraption of some sort laid on the other side. Through the dark and by my light, I could faintly make out a perfect equilateral triangle that stood on a point. Around and in front of the triangle, I was able to see two pipe like structures on the floor and two mirroring them on the ceiling. What is that thing?

        "Uh, Dipper..." Eliza spoke up. I turned my attention back at my blue-eyed friend.

        "Are those...?" I stared in disbelief, my tongue tied firmly in a knot. There, lying on desk, sat the journals. Journals one, two, and three. The entire set.

        The golden six-fingered hands glimmered in the light, almost taunting me. I began laughing in both victory and absolute nervousness. "Grunkle Stan has had these things hidden down here the whole time? Why?" I wondered, rubbing my hand against the smooth, red cover of book one.

        My attention then turned to book two. "This is the one Gideon had... How'd Stan get it?"

        "Gideon? As in Gleeful?" Eliza again spoke up, startling me.

        "Uh, yeah. He was this little nine year old who tried to make Mabel his queen. After I told the brat that Mabel wasn't interested, he went berserk and tried to kill me. He had this magic bolo tie and was setting himself up as this child psychic. He kinda almost killed me again a while ago, but he's in prison now; Gideon is no longer a threat," I explained, not missing a beat. Then it hit me. "You've heard of him?" Eliza hesitated to answer as she turned off the camera on her phone and stuffed it back in her pocket.

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