All in Your Head

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Eliza POV

        After we checked out Stan's secret lair, Dipper took me home. I didn't feel safe there anymore; someone was watching me. Someone was watching us. I'm almost positive there was someone, something down in that room with us. My instincts are never wrong.

        The ride home was quiet. Dipper and I didn't exchange a single word for a majority of the trip.

        "Is that your place?" Dipper asked, breaking the silence. We were approaching a two-story building accompanied by a much larger complex and a silo.

        "Yeah," I answered plainly. As we got closer to the building I was able to make out some colors through the dark. The dingy white siding on the house and the brilliant red paint on the barn stuck out like a sore thumb now.

        "You have a farm?" Dipper questioned, obviously unaware of the very thought. 

        "Yeah. We've got horses, llamas, cows, alpacas, chickens, the whole shebang. Why so surprised?"

        "Well, you don't smell like a barn."

        Whoa, what?

        "So, you've been sniffing me then? What exactly do I smell like?"

        "Sniffing you? Whaaat? No, I have no idea what you smell like." His voice cracked briefly as he faked a laugh. A bead of sweat trickled down his face, his cheeks now glowing an embarrassed red. "You smell like cinnamon and maple syrup," he then whispered in a hushed, awkward tone.




        After a few minutes we finally reached my house. Dipper pulled the golf cart to a stop in front of the door. As I slung my heavy, journal-filled bag over my shoulder, I thanked my friend for the ride and made my way inside.

        I drug myself up to my room and plopped down on my bed after lazily kicking my bag underneath it. Maurice, my little hedgehog buddy, poked his head out from the little plastic cabin in his cage as I did so. He snorted at me with concern. Tired, I spoke to him, reassuring him everything was fine. "Chill out Maurice, it's just me. Tired me. I'm not upset or anything, just tired. Go back to sleep." Okay, that didn't sound too reassuring, but it was meant to be.

        Maurice uttered a low whistle, telling me everything was okay. I wish he was right. This whole journal thing was stressing me out, big time.

        Sleep, I just need to sleep. Yeah, that's it. I told myself as I let out a huge yawn.

        I wiggled myself under the warm blankets that dressed my bed. In a matter of seconds, I was out like a light. And, to much of my dismay, I started dreaming. I wanted to actually get some sleep; I didn't want to relive anything that had transpired earlier.

        The blackness that draped over my eyes was stained a bright white. I was now standing in a featureless white void of absolute nothingness. "Hello?" I called out. No one replied, leaving me alone in that silent place.

        A muffled sound suddenly whispered into my ears. I couldn't make out the words, not in the least bit. Two different voices were the only thing I managed to make out of the noise. "Hello?" I shouted once more. "Who's there?" Again, there was no response, just the muffled voices that were becoming more enraged by the millisecond.

Symbols ~A Gravity Falls Fanfic~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz