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     Night fell quickly, but no one slept. For nearly an hour, we argued back and forth about what to do and how to do it. Eliza O'Kelly was officially water under the bridge. I wasn't able to do much besides hold her pepper spray in my hands. I found it not too far from where she had pounced off of Stephen. I guess I was too numb to hear it hit the floor.

     Stephen tapped on the wall with a backscratcher where there are several pictures drawn in red marker. One drawing was circled and it was a plan that no one wanted to do. "Come on, if we all hit him with this spell, he'll cease to exist!"

     "What about that experimental gun-thing in the basement? What is it, like, number 6,019?" Stan suggested.

     "For the third time, Stanford, I never finished that thing and I certainly don't have the time to do it now!" He tapped on the wall again. "And it's number 618, thank you."

     The problem was no one wanted to risk messing up the spell when we went to attack him. Soos was especially worried about missing and hitting Mabel or me. After he brought that concern to the table, it was all anyone could worry about.

     "Grandpa, isn't there some kind of ritual we could do? Trap Bill in a circle and chant some Latin, y'know? All we would have to do is trick him into following us to the ritual circle!"

     Wendy agreed: "Dude, that sounds crazy enough to work!" She put her hand up for a high-five and Mabel returned the gesture.

     Stephen thought about it for a moment. "While that's a 'cleaner' alternative, so to speak, anything like that would be in the journals. Sadly enough, I can't recall anything like that in them or in Ford's and my research."

     The girls' enthusiasm fell.

     The O'Kelly's had no input, and neither did I.

     Mabel perked up. "Isn't magic just a lot of rhyming?"

     "Uh, sometimes, sweetie."

     "Why don't we just make something up?" she suggested.

     Stephen gave an immediate "good try" smile with sympathetic eyes. "I wish it were that easy. All spells have to pass through the Magic Court before becoming usable. I used to know a wizard that tried to enact a youth spell, and it wasn't accepted any of the 45 times he tried to submit it. I even tried to get a simple free-hand writing spell in and they even denied that," he explained.

     Stan grunted in amusement from his isolated corner. "Really? Wow, you nerd!" Stephen shot him an annoyed look and returned his attention to us. To me, specifically.

     "Dipper?" he asked.

     I was quiet at first. Everyone turned to me, even Eliza's parents. I had to say something before I cried or something. "Your plan is probably our best bet." I searched the floor for more to say as I stuffed the mace into my vest pocket. "I'll go out as a distraction and then we'll hit him hard."

     "Nuh-uh, no way!" Stan stood up and in front of the battle plan. "I already thought I lost your sister; I'm not going have something happen to you!"

     Wendy pounded her fist into her palm. "Dipper's got this! He's the most hardcore kid," she paused and glanced at Mabel, "he's one of the two most hardcore kids I know! These guys have been through some serious stuff lately! They're tough and raring to go!"

     Soos nodded. "These guys have been tough as nails the whole summer! Fighting off monsters and mosquitoes!"

     I heard Mr. and Mrs. O'Kelly spit some nasty words between each other. It was something along the lines of "you're willing to risk our daughter, so why not your nephew."

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