Potions and Such

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Dipper POV

        Today's the day. I’ve finally gotten the courage to tell Wendy how I feel. It may be partly because Mabel got some sort of freaky potion from Old Man McGucket and poured it into my Pitt Cola, but I prefer to think otherwise!

        It was quiet in the gift shop. Wendy had been reading a magazine and hadn’t taken notice of me yet. I walked over to a barrel sitting close to the counter and sat down. My elbow rested on the countertop, my head pointed directly at Wendy. Then she looked up at me.

        “Hey Dipper! What’s up little dude?” she said, friendly as ever.

        “Well, Wendy, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” I said slyly with the utmost confidence.


        “Ya’ see, you’re a beautiful girl—“

        “Whoa, whoa. Dipper, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

        “Of course my little lumberjack! I lo-“ I stopped mid-word, realizing what I was about to say. This potion had gone too far.

        “Dipper, I’ll admit it, you’re cute in a cute way; like a kitten!”

        Seriously, her too!? Why does everyone say that!?

        “But, little dude, I’m 15- you’re 12. It’s just not gonna work. And, no offense, but I’d prefer to be friends. Sorry Dipper.” That was when I felt the effects of the potion completely disappear. My stomach immediately tied itself in knots and sweat began to pour down my face. What did I just do? I wanted to apologize for being such a flirt, but I couldn’t get any words out. I was out of options, so I fled to the bedroom my sister, Mabel, and I shared.

        There, I laid face down in my bed, unable to think of what to do next. Although I fought back the tears, they began pouring out. I was ashamed of myself, embarrassed, and just plain upset.

        The day passed and I didn’t move. How could I? I had skipped dinner although Mabel had done everything in her power to get me to eat. Soon after ten o’clock, I actually managed to fall asleep.

        The next day came with an unwanted smile. Mabel had given up trying to get me out of bed when she accidently smelled my armpit. So, she took Waddles, her beloved pet pig, into town to “find me a new girl to gush over who would appreciate my high levels of grossness.” What does that even mean?

        Regardless, I decided the least I would do today was shower and all that cleansing stuff. After becoming less disgusting, I proceeded to lay myself back down on my bed. I was almost asleep until my Grunkle Stan began yelling something.

        “Mabel! Get down here I need a favor…” I didn’t bother to tell him she was out with Waddles; I was too depressed.


         “Mabel! Oh, my favorite great niece!” he continued to bellow.


        “Mabel! Don’t you dare disrespect your great uncle by not responding to what I’m saying! Mabel!” Heavy, angry footsteps marched up the stairs. The bedroom door slammed open, causing me to jump and sit up. Stan looked angry and then some. His expression softened when he saw me. “Dipper… Oh, Dipper. I know that look all too well. Someone broke your heart, huh?” He seemed to understand, but that didn’t mean I wanted to talk about it. So, I just nodded. “Ah, young love…it stings,” he said seeming to be in love before plainly stating the next sentence.

        Stan cleared his throat, obviously trying to avoid my issues. I didn’t mind, I wanted to avoid me problems as well, but I knew I couldn’t. “Since you sister has gone to go groom her pig or whatever, I need to ask you a favor. Maybe it’ll get your mind off of you-know-what,” Stan offered.

        “Yeah, sure. What do you need me to do?” I replied slipping on my dark blue vest over my orange shirt.

        “There’s some girl sitting inside the fence Soos put around the Bottomless Pit. I need you to get her away from it. We wouldn’t want some innocent, cash carrying tourist falling in there and then suing me,” he said truthfully with a greedy tone in his voice. Stan was always greedy like this, but I didn’t mind today. At least he wanted to make sure someone didn’t fall into that hole.

        That “hole” was kind of like a wormhole; you went in one way and out the other, (which was the same place you went into). Time seemed to drag on within it, but the time outside didn’t seem to affect it. It was just another unexplainable thing in Gravity Falls.

        “Sure,” I answered as I put my black sneakers on. Then a thought struck me. “Why don’t you do it?”

        “I’ve been told my voice is gruff and surprisingly frightening. If I were to tell her to move, she may just fall in anyway. And, in case you haven’t noticed, I can’t find my pants,” my grunkle explained. I soon realized he was just wearing the top half of his black suit. His blue striped boxers were his only means of pants right now. This was actually normal, believe it or not.

        Venturing outside, I saw a girl with orange hair wearing a purple headband that had two cat ears attached to it. This girl wore tan cargo pants and a blue t-shirt. She appeared to be doing something. Behind her two sticks marked an “x” and next to her laid 3 rocks marked from 1-3 with marker.

        “Hey,” I said in a quiet tone, so I wouldn’t frighten her. She immediately spun her head around looked at me with large, blue eyes. Each of her cheeks were marked with four freckles that seemed to form oblong diamonds.

        “Can I help you?” she said in an annoyed voice. I was about to answer her, but she interrupted me.

        “Stand over on that x with your hands out,” she commanded.

        “Why?” I snapped. She turned and gave me look that questioned me as to why I hadn’t done as she said.

        “I’m testing something. This pit is like a wormhole or something! A rip in the world that loops itself into the ground! No, like a candy machine that won’t take your money, but tricks you into thinking it will!” She blurted, now seeming like a friendly person.

        I knew exactly what she meant! I had fallen in there myself with Soos, Mabel, and Grunkle Stan! We came right back out from the top after falling for about 20 minutes.

        “Okay,” I replied, thrilled to see her reaction when her experiment succeeded.

        The girl picked up a video camera and tightly tied a stopwatch to it. She then turned on the camera and began speaking.

Symbols ~A Gravity Falls Fanfic~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt