Chapter 28: I wish I never met you

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I'm driving in the car. As I'm crying. I should have known I should have seen it coming. The signs where there but just like last time I chose to ignore it. Why am I like this. I exit the car a d lock it as I unlock the door and I step in. "Zara, baby what's wrong?" My dad asks as I run to him and I cry on his chest, he's the only guy who'd never hurt me and who tells me they love me and really mean it. I don't know what id do without my dad, he is my world, he's my bestfriend, my shoulder to cry on, my personal advisor, my personal chef, I realise that I don't appreciate my dad enough. He works hard for me. He provides for me and he puts me first. He meets my needs. He broke up with Jennifer when I didn't like her. But I convinced him to get back together with her because she makes him happy. I'm really lucky to have this man as my daddy. I see what my mom saw in him. "I love you daddy, so much" I say as he kisses my head. "I love you too babe...shhh don't cry... daddy's got you" he says as he sits us on the couch and I put my chest on his head as he doesn't ask questions but he just keeps on singing to me like my mom always did when I was having a bad day. I end up falling asleep.

I wake up in bed still wearing my clothes. I change into my pyjamas. My dad must've carried my heavy ass. I say as I laugh. My phone vibrates for the millionth time and I see that Trent is calling. I check to my phone to see 68 missed calls from Trent. "He wants to tell me more lies" I say to myself. I'm happy that it's the Sunday tomorrow meaning I won't have to go to school. I just got the conclusion for my assignment about Trent. He has the ability to make you believe anything he says just by the way he says it and he is the greatest actor.


I'm driving to the hospital. I really need to talk to someone that makes me calm. Tori. I get there as I go to Tori's room. "Hey Zara, hey what's wrong you look like you've been coming" she says. "Hey Tori" I'm just having a really bad day" I say. "How are you today?" I ask her. "Tell me what happened?" She says as I sigh. "Its a long story and honestly I'm not ready to talk about it..." I say as I hear a knock on the door. "Oh hey, Zara meet my brother..." she says as I cut her off. "Trent!" I say. "Zara" he says. "Wait am I missing something you guys know each other? Lucas?" Tori says. "Tori , Trent is your twin?" I ask. "Yeah he is" I reply. "So this is what you've been hiding from me, your anger and frustration ruined our relationship. I gave you many many options to open up and tell me." I say. "Zara I..." He says as I stop him. "Shut up I'm not done" I say. "Tori, I like you , i really do, I just don't know how he is your twin when you guys are two different people. You're so kind and so sweet and yet he's very manipulative and evil." I say, now I am crying. "I don't understand, Lucas, what is going on?" Tori asks but Trent just looks down, feeling guilty. "I'll tell you what's going on Tori. You're brother here is the guy I've been obsessing about and talking about. I thought he liked me, only to find out that he was just using me. I was a bet all along and he lied in my face. Sad thing is I saw the signs at the beginning and I cried in front of him, begging him to tell me that he is not using me because I can't go through another heart break. He looked me right in the eyes and told me he would never use me." I say as tears are now rolling down. "Lucas is that true?" Tori says. "Tori I..." he says but Tori cuts him off. "You promised you would never do that to girls again. How could you?" Tori says. "I've been wanting Zara to meet you but little did I know that..." Tori says as Trent speaks. "Look, I'm fucked up ok, I get it, I do fucked up shit and Zara, I really do care and I really do like you and I meant what I said. You've changed me Zara, at first it was just a game , but I developed feelings for you Zara. Please." He begs.  "You fucking knew what I've been through I thought nothing could top off to what Lincoln did but you came close second. Every single time I wished that I had never met Lincoln then maybe I wouldn't be played. But no, I was gonna meet you here and you'd play me like a motherfucker. You disgust me, you are sick" I say to Trent as I watch his eyes get glossy. "Tori I'm sorry but I have to go, I'll see you some other time." I say as I make my way to the door. "Zara, I love you and I know you love me too, please don't throw away what we have, I messed up and I'm sorry" he begs. "No!... im not angry with you, I'm angry with myself, I played myself, I poured out my heart to a piece of shit, when I knew that I shouldn't but I did. Do me a favour and fuck off!" I yell then I leave.

How did I ignore the signs, they were there but I just chose to ignore them. I'm so stupid, I should've seem right through him. What hurts the most is I love him so much. I've fallen in love with him. Meanwhile he's just poking the wound that has been healing and now I'm back to square one. Trying to heal my heart again. I'm such a good person and yet bad things always happen to me. Losing my mother was bad enough. Haven't I been through enough. The only good thing happening in my life is that I'm graduating soon and I'll be away from Trent. The plan was to move to New York together and he will focus on writing while I finish my medical degree and become a OB/gyn. I'll be moving to New York alone.

I get home and my dad isn't home.

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