chapter 8: thanks a lot Mr Fox

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After dinner I decide to help my dad with the dishes. It's the least I can do after that amazing meal. My dad has always been a great cook. His dad, my grandfather was a chef and he always wanted my dad to follow his footsteps. He taught dad everything he knew. Which was amazing for me because I get to eat. I love food. With my dad being a chef means he travels a lot.

After washing the dishes I decide to call it a night. I change into my pyjamas. My dad's white baggy shirt and really short loose pants. I get into the covers and I pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram. Stalking Steelo Brim. God he's gorgeous. As I'm watching one of his videos. A text pops up

What's up beautiful?- unknown number

Uhhh hey. This is???- Zara

The guy who tried getting your numbers earlier on but didn't get em. Rejection hurts.- Unknown number

Ohhh Jordan, hey uhmm how did you get my numbers, nobody has them at school- Zara

Well I am one of the most popular guys at school, trust me babe I got connections.- Unknown number

Well uhmmm not exactly the answer I was looking for but ok. What can I do for you?- Zara

Are you always so formal? I just wanted to chat to you, maybe get to know you a little bit if you give me a chance and not run out on me everytime- Unknown number

I decide that I'm not gonna reply to Jordan's text, but let me save his numbers. I saved him under Mr juicy lips. Im so typical I know I know. Tomorrow is finally Friday. Thank God, I really need to catch up on my sleep. My phone starts ringing, indicating that Jordan is calling. I press the reject button.

I hear a knock at my door before the door opens. I quickly turn my phone of and pretend to be sleeping. "Oh c'mon Zara, we both know you're not sleeping, I had a feeling you were up." My dad says and I try my hardest not to laugh. "Zara don't make me do this" my dad says as I remain still. Then suddenly he tickles me. "Oh my stop it, I'm gonna pee." I say in between fighting and laughing. "I warned you" he says as he smiles at me. "Ok fine I wasn't asleep, you should quit tickling me, I'm not a little girl anymore" I say to him. "You'll always be my little snort even when you're 150 years old" he says as he kisses my cheeks repeatedly. I always loved it when he did that, kiss me on my forehead and stuff, it's really cute and shows a sign of caring. "I miss mom" I say as I try to hold my tears. "I know baby, I miss your mom every single day, and you might act a lot like me but you remind me of her every time, you will always be my world because you're all I have that's left of her" dad says as he wipes away my tears. "Which is why I'm gonna murder the boy who keeps calling the house phone asking to talk to my little girl. Damn he has some guts. I sound as intimidating as I look" dad says as my eyes widen. "Uhmm wait what boy?" I ask. "I don't know, he said he's in your class and he tried texting you about the assignment you guys have to work on but you just ignored him" dad says. "Ok what did you say to him" I ask dad. "I told him to learn some manners and not call at 9 in the evening" dad says as I giggle. "Dad you're so mean, if you act like this you'll scare away my boyfriends then I'll never get married" I whine. "Good! Trust me sunshine boys are idiots, you don't need to get married, you can take care of your daddy when he gets old, that sounds like fun right?" Dad says as we look at each other, then we both burst into laughter. "Oh wow dad , sorry to crush your spirit but nothing you say or do will stop me from getting married and you'll give me away to your son-in-law." I say as dad gives me the look. I kiss his cheek and he kisses my forehead and wishes me goodnight as he tucks me in. "Love you daddy" I say. "Love you more sunshine" and with that he exits and closes the door behind him. I stare up at the ceiling as my eyelids grow heavy.


"ZARA!!! Zara!!! Get up!!! It's FRIDAY!!!" I wake up to my dad yelling my name and hitting a pan with a spoon. "Arrghh dad really, can't I just get an alarm like normal people or can't you just shake me til I get up, do you really need to cause such a scene" I huff annoyed. I'm not a morning person. "Well you're a heavy sleeper so I figured this is the only way to do it, c'mon now sweetheart this isn't the first time you gotto be used to it by now." Dad says as he walks to the door. "Oh you better get ready within 30 minutes or you'll be walking to school" he smiles then walks out. "Arggghhhhh" I whine as I dramatically throw a tantrum.


"Wait so he actually called you, like on your phone?" Chloe asks. "Yes Chloe, and before you ask no I don't know why either, now can we drop this topic" I say as I reapply my mascara looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I got to school early meaning I had about 10 minutes left before school starts.


"Ok uhhh, Zara Wilson, you are paired up with Trent Anderson" Mr Fox says as my jaw drops due to shock. I turn to face Trent and he is already looking at me smiling. I know I said I was gonna give him a chance but I don't wanna work with him on anything that involves school work. I'm really tryna pass real good. I debate on whether to ask sir for another partner, but then again , when the teacher chooses , it never changes so I won't win on this one. "Ok so everyone has their partners now the moment you've all been waiting for, drum roll please...nothing? Ok fine I'll do it myself... your assignment is to get to know each other then have a power point presentation describing each other in and out. Be creative, don't be afraid to embarrass the other. But the trick here is that, you're partner is not allowed to tell you anything, you have to figure them out on your own. No cheating. Just make this a fun experiment , who knows , you might thank me later. So this means you have to spend a lot of time together. Ask questions you've never asked before just be creative." Mr Fox says just as the bell rings. Omg, now Trent and I will be spending a lot of time together, great.

Thanks a lot Mr Fox.


Hey guys believe or not it took me forever to come up with that assignment. But I hope you enjoyed this chaper

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Lots of love


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