Chapter 19: this is where you live?

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The following chapter includes sexual scene intended for an 18+ audience

We are driving in Trent's car as he is driving me to his house. We come to a stop at a glass mansion. The walls are covered in dark brown tiles. It looks so big and fancy. We park in the garage as we walk out the front yard "This is where you live?" I ask. "Yeah" he replies casually. "Damn your family is loaded" I say as he chuckles. "You're drunk, c'mon." He holds my hand and he pulls me. "Im not drunk actually." I say. Then he takes his keys out and he open this big wooden door. The inside is breathtaking. As soon as you walk in there's a long hallway. But near the door are stairs. Then when you walk further there's a kitchen and there's a living room. He takes me upstairs to the second floor and there's another long hallway that probably has 7 doors. We pass the first few doors as we enter the last room. He opens the door and I walk in. His room is neat I must say. His walls are painted navy blue. He has a huge wallpaper of a forest and a beach. The ceiling is painted navy blue with starts on it. He has a flat screen tv on the wall. He has a study table that has a few pictures and a laptop. His bed is big and is also dark. Navy blue covers and black pillows. Next to his bed is a table with two drawers and a night stand. There are two doors in his room. One looks like a walk in closet and the other I'm assuming a bathroom. His room is as big as my living room and kitchen combined. The floors are wooden. Then he has a balcony. I open the sliding door leading to the balcony and he has the most beautiful view. The beach. "Wow" I say as the wind blows. "Beautiful isn't it" he says as he stands next to me. "Yeah" I reply. "I sit here all the time when I decide to do my homework." He says. "You do homework?" I ask. He laughs. "When I feel like it." He says as we both laugh.

"You can go ahead and take a shower" he says and I nod. I'll be in the living room so that I can give you some privacy. I nod as I make my way into the bathroom. "There's a shower that's probably 10 times bigger than mine. And the bathtub looks like a Jacuzzi. The floors are an illusion, looks like you're falling. I turn the shower on and I start showering. I use Trent's ocean mist shower gel. Heaven

I dry myself with the big towel and I make my way out of the bathroom. Trent is not in the room as I open. "Shit, what am I gonna wear." I say to myself. The doors opens as Trent walks in. "Sorry uhmm here wear this" he gives me tiny white shorts and a baggy black shirt. "Uhmm Trent who's clothes are these?" I ask him. "The shirt is mine and the shorts belong to my sister." He says. He has a sister. I'm itching to ask him about her but last time I asked about his personal life things didn't go well. He seems to notice cause he says. "Story for another time Fro, get dressed." He says as he leaves the room. I wear my panties and I wear the shorts that reveal my buttcheeks. He picked these on purpose. I wear his socks and I make my way downstairs. "Trent!" I yell. He comes out of the kitchen then he gives me water. "You hungry?" He asks and I nod. "Great cause I ordered pizza" he says as he walks away.

The doorbell rings and I go answer it. I open the door and some guy wearing a cap starts checking me out as he looks at my bare legs and then he stares at my chest. "The fuck you looking at?" Trent says behind me. "You fucking checking my girl out bro, you're fucking undressing her with your eyes." Trent yells. "I'm sorry sir." The man replies. "Trent calm down" I say. "You're not getting a tip for that" Trent says as he grabs the pizza box and gives the guy the money then he pulls me and closes the door. "Ok you really scared the shit out of him" I say as I grab the slice of pizza. "That dick was fucking undressing you with his eyes. He was eye raping you, didn't even notice when I came" he says and i laugh and we eat pizza. "But I don't blame him. Those legs, damn" he says as I roll my eyes. "Where are your parents?" I ask. "They went away for the weekend, it's just me" he says.

A/N (listen to earned it by The weekend for this part)
We are sitting on his bed in his room and we are just talking. It's been an hour and we've been talking about many things. Right now the topic is music. I stand up to go to his laptop that is on his study table. I bend which reveals my buttcheeks even more. I open his laptop and there's a picture of a girl and Trent, they have the same eyes and they look alike. "Hey what's the password" I say as he gets up and he bends as he punches his password. Then I push him out of the way so that he's standing behind me and I search for a song. "Aha, found it" I say as I start playing 'Earned it' by The weekend. "Really" he says. "This song is still good" I say as I start singing and I dance around the room. Then I get back to the laptop and I increase the volume. Then Trent is standing behind me as he holds my waist then he kisses me on my neck. "You smell good" he says and I tilt my neck giving him more access. I turn around to face him and he kisses me as he lifts me he puts me on the table and he kisses me passionately. His hands go under my shirt and make their way up to my breast. Then his hand travels down my vagina and he circles my clit. "Trent" I moan as he grabs onto my ass and he squeezes it against his member as I feel his bulge I moan. He then lifts me then he puts me on the bed as he starts kissing me then he kisses my neck and he removes my shirt and shorts and underwear, leaving me naked. He trails kisses down my stomach going to my vagina. He starts kissing my sensitive area and his tongue circles around my clit. "Oh wow" I moan as my head rolls back and my hands play with his hair and I pull it. "Trent" I moan even louder. Then he starts fingering me in and out as he finds my g-spot. I moan even louder, my legs start vibrating as I reach my climax. Then he stops as I pout. "Trent c'mon" I whine. "Relax fro" he removes his shirt and jeans and he is only wearing his boxers, with the biggest bulge I've ever seen. He gets off the bed and he goes next to his bed and opens the second drawer taking out a condom. Then he comes back to me. He pulls his boxers down and my eyes widen at his size. Then he places the condom on and he gets on top of me as he positions himself at my entrance. I gasp as he rips through me. I scream in pain and pleasure as I try to adjust to his size. "Trent, fuck...oh God" I moan as he moves in and out of me. He increases the pace as I reach my orgasm. I release as he still moves in and out of me. His movement increases as he moves in and out as my legs vibrate and I reach my second orgasm the same time I feel him tighten around my walls as he releases. "Arghhh, fuck" he groans as he lays on my chest and we both try to catch our breath.

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