Chapter 24: you put up with my bullshit

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I'm sitting in my room. My phone has been off the whole day I didn't bother switching it on. I really needed a break from the world. I am now wearing my pyjamas as I start reading my book. I have a notebook whereby I write all there is that I know about Trent, I need to pass this assignment. "Lights off Zara, time for bed" dad says. "What am I 12?" I ask. "You know you never wake up in time for school because you always sleep late. This is for your own good. I'm giving you bed time. From now on you'll sleep at 10 pm" he says. "No way, that is way to early. I'm hardly even sleepy around that time dad" I complain. "I don't care Zara, my house, my rules." He says. "Fine" I give up. He leaves then he closes the door. The door opens again. "Oh and, break my rules, I cut the allowance." He smiles. "Argghh" I check the time and it's 9:50. Since I got nothing better to do, I sleep.


"Dad I honestly think you should buy me my own car" I say as he drives me to school. "No way, it's not safe" he says. "No, what's not safe is walking" I say. "You hardly ever walk" he says. "Think about it, getting me a car would mean I could save money from calling an uber, you could stop driving me to school everyday and picking me up again." I say. "I don't know Zara." He says. "C'mon dad, I mean why did you teach me how to drive if I'm not doing it right now. Just think about it" I say. "Get out of my car or you'll be late for school." He says as I kiss him on the cheek. "Bye daddy" I say. "Bye pumpkin, love you" he says as I start walking towards the entrance. I thought that Trent and I would be making a grand entrance but I don't even know where we stand right now.

I'm making my way to my locker as my eyes wander, looking for Trent. I see him walking with Amber and she's holding onto his arm. He looks at me and we make eye contact but I look away then I walk into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror as I try to re-apply my lipstick. The door opens and Trent walks in not caring that he's not allowed in. But luckily it's just me. I look at him in the mirror as I totally ignore him. "We need to talk" he says. "No we don't, you said all you had to say yesterday" I reply still looking at myself in the mirror. "Look Zara about yest..." He says as I cut him off. "Save it,don't come up with silly excuses like you were having a bad day or you didn't mean to, people say what they truly wanna say out of anger and I got what you wanted to tell me, so it's cool." I say. "Zara I didn't mean what I said I swear." He says. "Which parts exactly, the fact that I'm good in bed or the fact that that's all I am to you? To satisfy your sexual needs." I ask. Then he looks at me. Then he pushes me against the wall as he kisses me hungrily then he kisses my neck. A moan escapes my mouth as I kiss him back before I realise what I'm doing I push him away. Then he looks at me as I look at him. Then i slap him hard on his cheek. "No!" I say as I grab my backpack then I leave as he grabs my arm. I pull it away. "No!" With that I exit the bathroom.


I don't pay attention in most of my classes. The bell rings and it's now lunch. "You have some explaining to do." Chloe says as she grabs my arm, leading us to the loud cafeteria. Dad packed me lunch today so I don't need to stand in that line. I sit down on our usual spot, opposite Chloe. "Spill" she says. I take out my lunch as Chloe pulls it away from me. "Chloe, I'm starving." I say. "You'll eat later on, tell me" she says. "Fine but you cannot tell anyone about this Chloes, I'm serious." I say. "Yeah yeah I won't I promise now who is he?" She asks. "Well uhmm it's T-Trent" I say. "Omg are you serious" she screams as people turn to face us. "Shhh, not too loud" I say. "You little bitch, so is it as big as I hear it is?" She asks as I choke on my spit. "Shit Chloes, you don't have filter girl, I'm not revealing that information." I say as she pouts. "Awww why?" She says. "Because Chloes, I don't kiss and tell" I say. "But it's just me" she says. "Exactly" I reply.

"I'm sure he made you feel..." Chloe says as someone cuts her off. "Zara, I need to talk to you" he says. I look to see that his cheek is red from the slap. I feel slightly guilty. "Trent i told you I have nothing to say to you." I say. "Fine then let me do the talking" he says. "5 minutes" I say "I'll be right back Chloes" I say. "Take your time" she says. I follow Trent and we go out the cafeteria to the parking lot. He unlocks his car and opens the door for me to get in. I stand and I fold my arms as I look at him. "Just get in please" he says and I get in the car then I wait for him to get in as well. He gets in the car then he looks at the steering wheel as if planning on what to say. Then he turns to face me. "Okay look, he says as he puts his hands on my thigh, I'm not good at this shit and I'm new in all this relationship shit but Zara, I'm human and I fuck up, I'm not tryna make excuses here but atleast hear me out. My parents really piss me off, and I lost my temper and I let it out on you when I shouldn't have. And so I was angry and I wanted you to be as well and I said what I knew would make you angry." He says as he looks into my eyes. "Well that's the thing Trent, I wasn't angry, I was hurt" I say. "I know baby, I know and I'm sorry, just please, please don't let go of what we have over my stupid words" he says. He looks at me then I lean closer and I kiss him. "I'm sorry too" I say. "For what?" He asks. "I provoked you, when I shouldn't have" I say. "Its not your fault" he says then he kisses my hands. "Thank you" he says. "For what?" I ask "For putting up with my bullshit." He says and we both laugh. "I'm sorry for slapping you, you should get some ice" I say. "Nah this is nothing, I've had worse and besides I deserved it" he says. "We should get back." I say. "You go ahead I have to go somewhere." He says. "Where to?" I ask. "Uhmm my dad wants me to take care of something for him." He says. "Oh-kayy, see you then, drive safely." I say as he kisses me then I exit the car. "You looking sexy in that dress" he says. "Wanna take it off?" I ask as his face lights up. "Really?" He asks. "No" I laugh then I peck his lips and I leave. Then he laughs.

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