Chapter 7: the fudge is Charlie?

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Anger, anger is what I feel right now. It's been 2 days. It seems like anger is all that I'd been feeling these past two days. I just wanna get home and sleep. I need to Skype my friends back home. "Hey fro, wait up" I turn to see the last person I wanted to see, Trent. It was after school and I was dropping my books off by my locker. Couldn't wait to get home. "I'm not in the mood Trent, just leave me alone" I say hoping he listens to me for once. " You're never in the mood fro but that has never stopped me from annoying you" he replies with a smirk on his face. "Whatever what do you want?" I ask with an exaushted tone. "Damn you're really not in the mood, anyways we uhmm kinda got off on the wrong start and I was kinda an ass" he says as he rushes his hand through his gelled hair dark brown hair. He seems...nervous? "Kinda?" I ask. "Ok maybe a lot but I wanna make it up to you?" He says nervously. "Make it up to me how?" I ask. "Uhmm take you out somewhere maybe?...I dont know" he says. It's kinda adorable that he's nervous. This is fucking Trent, fuckboy, haven't you learnt your lesson? There she is , my subconciounce, always ruins my life. " uhmm Trent I don't think that is a good idea" I say. "Is this about that jerk Jordan because if it is I swear..." he says but stops himself before he could finish his sentence. "You know what nevermind, this was a bad idea" he says as he rushes off. "Wait, Friday night" I say and smile. I might regret this but oh well. "Pick you up at seven" and with that he walks away.


"Dad you're the best" I say as I moan enjoying the juicy quarter pounder from McDonalds, like he promised note the sarcasm. "Yeah well you're paying me back every single cent, you're first salary will be mine" my dad says as he drives us home. "No way dad, it's your job to feed me" I say as I take a sip of my orange juice. "You're lucky I love you" my dad says as he drives inside the garage. I take my McDonald Brown bag with me as I exit the car. I go to the kitchen then I put my orange juice in the fridge, saving it for later. "Don't touch my juice dad!" I yell making sure he can hear me. If you think being an only child is nice because you don't have to share or no one will eat your leftover pizza then you're totally wrong. Especially when you live with my dad. That man has no boundaries. He will eat whatever he finds in the fridge. "No promises sweetheart." He replies.

My alarm goes off, reminding me I need to Skype my bestfriend Zach. Zach has been my friend for more than 4 years , I didn't really get along with girls. Zach and I hit it off instantly. Our friendship was strong. He is super hot by the way. He has blonde curls but he's a natural brunette, beach blonde looks too good on him. He has ocean blue eyes. He has a sharp jaw that drives every girl crazy. He's hot and he knows it.


"Omg Zarh I miss you like crazy, not seeing you everyday drives me insane" Zach says as he pouts like a baby, nobody could say no to that face. "I miss you so much Ari (A/N Zach's full name is Zachari so Zara calls him Ari) it hurts. It's been 2 fucking days and I already wanna call it quits,it's gonna be a miracle if don't murder anyone by the end of this week. I swear to God Ari" I say sounding pathetic. "C'mon Zarh it can't be that bad, you're always good at making friends, I'm sure gottem" Zach replies. "Yeah but they are not you, everyone in this place just drives me insane" I huff annoyingly. "Tell me what happened" he asks as he waits for me to talk. He looks so good with his beach blond hair and nose piercing... Wait when did he get that... "Is that a nose pierce?" I ask dumbfounded obviously it is a piercing. "Yeah I just recently got it, do you like it?" He asks. "Damn Ari it looks super good on you, but" I ask not believing that my bestfriend, super afraid of pain, especially needles, would get a piercing randomly, there has to be a story behind it. "Well I don't know , Charlie told me it would look super hot on me and so I tried it" Charlie? ... "Charlie?...who is Charlie?" I ask. Then he blushes. "You bitch, who the hell is Charlie and he got you to pierce your nose, omg this is huge, my bestfriend is super dickmatised" i say sounding super excited. "Jeez Zarh calm down" he says. "Don't tell me to calm down, who is Charlie and how did you meet?" I ask waiting impatiently for him to answer. "Well, I met him at a party last week and we instantly hit it off." I squeak very happily. "Omg Zarh he is perfection. Tattoos all over his body. Piercing sky blue eyes and brown hair. His muscles omg Zarh you would go crazy. He is in college and he works at a tattoo parlour. I'm super happy that I met him. It's like he's filling the empty void you left. Not in a bad way though , but I really like him Zarh, like a lot" I listen to my favourite person in the world besides my dad talk about how in love he is with this bad boy. Thinking how it was me just a few months ago. I just hope he is not an ass. " Omg Ari I'm so happy for you, I'd really like to meet him and confirm if he can date you or not, I need to judge him so bad. It's so great to see you so happy. You're even glowing. Just be careful yeah? Don't fall too deep." I say as I give him a small smile. "I will Zarh, I hope this works out , I really do. Anyways tell me about everything that has been going on for the past 2 days." He says. "Well I.... Zara , time for dinner!" Dad yells cutting me off just as I was about to vent. Thanks a lot dad. " Ari I have to go, it's dinner time and you know how my dad gets. I will tell you everything next time. Be good and take care of yourself. See you soon. Love ya bishhhh" I say. "Yeah enjoy dinner and say hi to Daddy J for me, and Zarh, be careful honey , don't let these boys break you, not again. Stay strong baby girl, love you" Zach says as he blows me a kiss and I catch just as the laptop screen goes blank. I sign then make my way downstairs for dinner.

What a great life I have.


Hey lovies, lemme give y'all an idea on who you can picture playing these characters

Trevor Jackson as Jordan Simone
Troye Sivan as Zachari Roberts
Dwayne Johnson as Jonathan Wilson (Zara's dad)


Love y'all

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Lots of love

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