Chapter 10: thanks for the ride

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I'm sitting in Jordan's car staring out the window. "Oh i almost forgot. Do me a favour and never call the house phone again , my dad is super protective." I say to him. "Who wouldn't be protective over you Zara?" Ok he needs to stop flirting and complimenting me now. Seriously. "But yeah just answer when I call next time." He says. I stare out the window as a song I like plays on the radio. "Omg turn that song up" I say. "You like Ariana Grande?" He asks. "I love her, she's one of my favourite artists, why you don't like her?" I ask him."uhmm she's alright. But since you like, I guess I'll start liking her too" he says. Here we go again.


I got to school with Jordan and as I was walking in the hallway, going to my locker. I noticed that a lot of people were staring at me. I went to my locker to check wait my next class is."Gym class" I say. That's awesome because I exercise and I would say that I'm fit.

The bell rings and I make my way to the locker room so I can change into gym clothes. I worse navy blue runner shorts and a tank top and my black low cut converse shoes. The teacher said we would be doing field exercises so I decided to tie my curls into a high bun. "So what's going on between you and Jordan?" Some girl with a squeaky voice and big wavy blonde hair stands next to me wearing gym shorts that so far up her ass and a very tight sports bra with high knee socks and converse. "Uhhh, excuse me?" I say as I look at her. "Is it true that you're fucking Trent and Jordan at the same time?" She asks. What the fuck? Is that what people are saying. It's only been a week. "What the fuck, no" I say as I make my way to the field.


"Alright people, if we may all stretch so that we don't break a muscle. After that we will run 4 laps around the field" the gym teacher Ms Natalie yells as the whole class groans. We all do out warm ups before the teacher yells for us to start jogging around the field.

I notice how some girls start running faster to prove to the guys that they can run. Stupid. Everyone knows that when you run laps , it's important to start slow so you won't get tired easily. I watch as everyone else runs before me and I keep my pace, controlling the way I'm breathing with each and every step I take. Everyone finishes their first lap and I notice how people start to slowing down and others start to walk. "Keep it moving you lazy twarts" Ms Natalie yells as the student groan in frustration and exhaustion. I run keeping my pace as I pass almost everyone until I'm by the top 4 where we have Trent as number 1 with me being number 2 and 2 other guys behind. The four of us are approaching our final lap whilst the others are still stuck on the second and third lap. "Just give up Fro, you'll never catch up to me" Trent yells back at me. "Keep talking Anderson and you'll run out of breath and faint then I'll beat you" I reply as I try to pick up my pace. I'm only a few steps away from Trent when he crosses the finish line and I follow as we both lie on the ground trying to catch our breaths. I look up and I feel sorry for the people that still have a long way to go. "You're a really good runner Fro, not bad , not bad at all, I'm impressed." The idiot says as I roll my eyes. Everyone finishes their laps as we all make our way to shower. "Wilson!" Ms Natalie yells my name. "Yes ma'am?" I ask. "You're really good at running , were you a runner back where you come from?" She asks. "Yes ma'am I was the only one who ran more than 4 laps at my school. So I was representing my school." I reply. " Well I'm glad you're here now, I would like you to join the crosscountry team, but don't give me an answer now , just think about it right kiddo" she says. "Yes ma'am." And with that I leave to take a shower.


It's after school as I walk home. Dad couldn't fetch me today. Home is not that far. It's shorter when you drive but walking takes 20 minutes. I take my phone out as I put earphones on and listen to music. But not that loud because it's not safe to work and not be aware of your surroundings, especially for a girl.

"Hoot hoot" I hear a car hooting for me. I turn to see Trent in his Mustard colour Mustang. "Yo Fro, jump In let me give you a ride." He says. "No thanks Trent I don't get in cars with strangers." I say back."Oh but you can get in cars with Jordan right?" He says. "What is your deal with Jordan? He's been nothing but nice to me, something you've never been,Why are you so jealous?" I ask as I watch his jaw tense. "You don't understand what you're getting yourself into with Jordan,he's not what you think" he says. "So I must believe you? Seriously?" I say as I laugh. "Fine suit yourself." And with that, he drives off.

I look down at my phone, to change the song that's playing when I see Trent's car pull up next to me. "Just get in the car Fro , don't be stubborn." He says. "Honestly Trent I'm fine, im almost home." I say. "It is not safe for you to be walking alone and it will save you time and energy." He says. "Fine!" I finally give in.

I sit in the passenger seat as I admire Trent's car. It smells like ocean breeze and it is very clean. It has nude leather seats. "How can you afford a car like this?" I ask. "Well I got it for my 16th birthday, my parents are filthy rich." He says as I nod and I turn to face the window. I notice that we are by my house. "Uhmm can I ask you something Trent" I ask. "Go ahead" he says as he smiles. "If your parents are filthy rich, how come you work at a pizza shop, why do you even need a job?" I ask. And he smiles. "Well you see Fro I kinda am a problem child, and so whatever punishment my parents gave me weren't a big deal. I got into trouble once and my parents told me that they are gonna stop giving me an allowance and so they got a job for me, which I hated at the beginning to be honest." He says. "When was this?" I ask. "Uhmmm about a year ago I think." He says. "Ok but why are you still working there then if your punishment ended?" I ask curiously. "Well as I said I hated the job first but afterwards I started liking it a lot because it gave me something to do, usually I'd just be chilling at home and now it feels great to be able to go somewhere and besides I like the extra money I'm making besides from my allowance. It actually feels really good to earn your payments." He says. Wow. This is a whole new Trent, he seems so calm and actually nice when he's distracted from talking about his popularity. I think I like this side of Trent. "Wow" that's all I can say. "Well uhmm yeah, so we still up for that hang out tonight?" He asks. Shit I totally forgot about that. I check my watch to see that it's now 4 meaning I have 2 hours to get ready. Perfect. "Uhhh yeah sure.Thanks for the ride." I say as I smile and open the door. "Pick you up at 7" he says as I smile and close the door.


Wassup peoples. Another update.

You guys team Jordan or team Trent???
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Lots of love

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