Chapter 29: New York here I come

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Today is my graduation day and I am very excited. I haven't spoken to Trent in forever I really do miss him but I must move on. "You ready to graduate sweety?" Jennifer asks. "Yeah, I'm excited actually" I smile at her. "Hoot, hoot, Ladies c'mon let's go or we'll be late." Dad yells as we laugh. Jennifer runs out. "Coming dad!" I yell. "No yelling in the house!" He yells. "Sorry!" I yell back. I take a look at myself in the mirror one last time. "You finally made it" I say.

There are so many people here. I see Trent talking to his brother and I'm assuming his parents. He never even introduced me to his family. That should've been a sign on its own. He looks around then his eyes meet mine  and he smiles but I look away. "So dad , your seats are gonna be here and I'm gonna go sit with my friends I'll see you guys later on ok?" I say. "Sure sweety" dad says as they make their way to their seats. "Ow" I say when I bump into someone. "Sorry" he says. "Trent" i say. "Hey Zara" he says. "Hi" I say as I start walking. "Wait, how you been?" He asks. "Good" I say. "Well you look beautiful" he says. "Thanks" I say and I walk away.

We were supposed to present our findings for our assignment here and in front of everyone. Now it's my turn to present.

"Well I would say that, it's been a rollercoaster for me actually, uhmm my partner was just so confusing." I say. "Well he is well known, first of all and he's the type of guy that intimidates people, but not like that man sitting over there" I point at my dad and the crowd laughs including him. "Yeah that's my dad by the way" I say and the crowd cheers. "Yeah so anyways, as I said , I've been through a rollercoaster ride. My partner gave my trouble from the very first day I walked in this school. Very cocky and petty I must say. He's the type of guy whereby if you just look at him in the eyes, you'll do whatever he wants because he just hypnotizes you. I learnt that the hard way I must say. My partner is not afraid to challenge anyone on anything, he can challenge all of us here. But most of all my partner is the biggest manipulator and liar and the greatest actor ladies and gentlemen. I've come to the conclusion that , he is not like this deep down, he's a great person and only I got the chance to see the amazing side of him, but he cares more about his reputation then others feelings. And my partner ladies and gentlemen is Trent Lucas Anderson. Thank you." I say as my eyes lock with Trent and the crowd applaudes as I get off stage. "Thank you Ms Zara Wilson. Up next Trent Anderson."

I take my seat as Trent prepares his speech. "Well uhmm, I've been with my partner for about 8-9 months now and it has been amazing. She's the type of girl who's been broken so bad that she was afraid to open up, so as you can imagine how hard it must've been for me to figure her true personality out. She's an amazing soul who deserves the greatest things in life because she's been through so much. She falls in love quickly buy when she does, she loves unconditionally because she put up with my bullshit for 6 months." He says and the crowd laughs. Except for me. "I am an asshole and I don't deserve her, no one does because she's too good for this world, she is not mean but she doesn't let people bully her. She stands up for herself all the time. She's the type of girl people take advantage of because she trusts too easily." He says as he looks at me. "To my conclusion ladies and gentlemen , my partner is the greatest thing that ever happened in my life... thank you" he says as the crowd applaudes loudly. "Thank you Mr Trent Anderson."

"Damn, so this is it huh, my baby girl all grown up, going to college" dad says. "I told you you'd never stop me from growing up daddy" I say as I start crying. "Congratulations honey" Jennifer says. "Thanks Jen" I hug her back. "Hey Zara, a bunch of us are going to celebrate at a party you coming?" Jaxon asks. "Uhmm I don't think so" I reply. "Why not sweetheart, you'll never get this chance again" dad says. "Ok fine I'll be there, text me the address." I say to Jaxon and he nods.


I decided to wear black jeans that are cut by the knees and a white tank top with a jean jacket and white air forces. I get out the car as I make my way to Matt's front door. Why am I doing this again. I get in the house as the house is packed and I spot Maya. "Hey Maya, what's Up?" I say. "Hey girl, I'm glad you came" she says and I smile at her. Trent walks in with his crew because he is the host and people start cheering his name. "Trent! Trent! Trent!" They cheer. "I think I'm gonna leave Maya" I say to her as I start leaving and I pass by Trent.

I walk to my car. "Zara" Trent says. I turn and I look at him. "Why you leaving?" He asks. "Uhmm I'm not feeling well so I'm just gonna go home." I lie. "Is everything ok?" He asks. "Yeah" I reply. "I have to go" I say as I get into the car. He doesn't stop me , again. And I drive off.


Today is the day I finally leave for New York and I am nervous and emotional. "Dad just say the word and I won't go" I cry to my dad. "Zara the greatest gift a parent can ever receive is to know that their child is following their dreams and honey you have big dreams to go to New York and study medicine, that makes me so happy because you know where you're going and I know that I did my job to help you find your way and I couldn't be happier." He says. "Thank you dad, I love you so much" I say as I hug him. "You're mom would be so proud to see you following her footsteps, I know she's here with us right now and hugging us tight" dad says. "Well my flight is about to board so I guess I'll see you when I visit." I wipe my tears. "Stay safe baby I love you" dad says. "I love you too daddy, bye Jenni" I say. "Bye sweety" she says.


Zara's mom died because of cancer and Tori also died by the way. And when Trent wasn't going to school he was with Tori.

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