chapter 1: First impressions

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Back in Brooklyn, I was popular , respected and loved , I sat with the popular kids everyone wanted to be me , it's a life of high school that everyone wished they had. That was something I had to work for. You work your way to the top because when you're popular, things go much easier for you.

Now here I am , in California, staring at the school that lies before me. "Everything is going to be fine , just be yourself and make friends , Zara". My dad says. "Dad this is high school, im doing my last year trust me its not as easy as you say. I cant just start all over. You basically moved my whole and forced me here. I dont wanna be here dad my life is back in Brooklyn." I say very angry. "I know pumpkin but this could be a very good start for you,now go on or you'll be late for registration, I love you".
I give my dad a kiss as I walk out of the car

"Well here's to making new memories". I can't believe my dad would make us move so far , I mean I'm a senior now and I'm almost done with school , couldn't he wait, I can't make new friends and socialize now, it's too late. Damn there are so many attractive boys in this school. Ok no Zara, no more boys , no more dating, your mission here is strictly school work, no distractions.

Man this school is huge and very neat I must say , as I walk into the doors , I notice how full the hallway is and how colourful the lockers are. I bump into someone harshly that I land on the floor.

"Ouch" I say. "Damn bitch could you watch where you're going please" She says as she kicks my bag away from me. Well atleast she said please "Sorry" I say.

I try to get up as two strong arms help me up. I look up to say thank you but I can't seem to find my voice as I look at him. God took his time while working on him.
"Hey , I'm so sorry for what Amber did , she can be a bitch sometimes." He says and I look at him. "So... you're new right?" He asks and I nod. "Yo Trent what's going on man?" Some guy with silky black hair and tall and muscular yells. "Yo chill Matt I'm coming!" He yells back. Then he turns his attention back to me as he gives me my bag.

Omg this boy is too God damn fine , they way his eyes stare deep into your soul as if he is trying to read your thoughts. His bad boy aura adds to his attractiveness, his lips oh his lips, I just want to ... "uhmm hello , do you speak " . He asks as he stares at me with a smirk on his face. Oh god he totally caught me checking him out. I'm embarrassing myself. Say something , anything Zara , just speak. "I...uhhhh.....ermmm."
I stutter. Good job Zara way to make a first impression to the world's hottest creature."Uhmm yeah sure , well welcome to King Edwards secondary school" he says as he smiles at me awkwardly then walks away.

"Wow , that was pathetic , you must've been bullied from wherever you came from". I turn to look at the lockers , I see her, oh wow she is gorgeous , her flawless skin, she had a tomboy look especially because she cut her hair really short. But she looked very hot and not to mention her fashion sense was off the hook. She wore a rainbow colour tank top with a bullseye, revealing her tattoes and she topped it off with light blue boyfriend jeans and some boots. " Actually I was one of the popular kids in Brooklyn" I reply. "She speaks, damn you come all the way from New york? what brings you here at KESS(King Edwards Secondary school)." She asks. "Well it's a long story ,but my dad and I moved here so..." I reply not knowing what to say because I just met her , I can't be sharing personal information. " alright well I guess I'll see you around , new girl" , she says as she takes out her books and about to leave."Wait , can you please show me where the office is" ,I ask. " Yeah sure this way" , she's says

A lot of people stare at me as we walk , boys liking what they see , which I don't know why because compared to this girl walking next to me , I'm average ,I have caramel flawless skin, curly black afro, and pink full lips.The bell rings , indicating the first period. "Well here we are , I have to get to class now but I'm sure you'll be fine". She says with a smile. " Thank you so much." I reply with a warm smile. "I'm Chloe by the way, Chloe Baker" she says. "I'm Zara Wilson" I reply. " it was nice meeting you, goodluck on your first day and don't make any enemies" she says as she walks off.

"Good morning im Ms Debbie" , the lady by the receptionist greets with a warm smile. "How can I help you today "
"Well uhmm , I'm Zara Wilson and well I'm new", I reply , for some reason I was freaking out , and I stutter when I'm freaked out. " oh that's right , well I have every detail , your dad gave me everything I needed , I'm just going to give you your schedule and show you to your first class , follow me please" , she says with a warm smile making me feel comfortable and her smile is so contagious that I found myself smiling as well.

We get to a room labelled C4 , "this is going to be your physics class" she says as she knocks on the door before opening it, I follow her , trying to hide behind her. When I enter all eyes land on me , a few guys smirk at me and girls give me bitchy looks, but my eyes land on him , the first guy to talk to me when I got here , the dreamy gorgeous guy , making out with with her , that bitch who made me fall even though I was the one that bumped into her, they were so disgusting, couldn't they get a room or something. "Ahem , Mr Anderson, Ms Steele, if you guys don't mind behaving for once we have visitors , Ms Steele go sit next to Mr Wesley" The teacher says.
What was his name again , Trent. He looks up from his desk and looks at me then he smirks. I quickly look away , I hope I don't sit next to him , God please, otherwise I will fail Physics. " Well Ms Debby, what can I do for you today?". The man asks nervously, almost everyone can tell he has a thing for Ms Debby. "Zara darling this is your Physics teacher, Mr Hobbs" she says with a smile. I greet Mr Hobbs, he looks quite young to be a teacher , he looks like he's 24 or 25, he is not ugly but he's also not attractive ,he's datable If I may say." Class this is your new classmate , please introduce yourself" Mr Hobbs says. Great now I have to do public speaking . " uhmm , hey , uhhh everyone my name is Zara Wilson and I'm from Michigan" I say as everyone looks at me with blank expressions , there is awkward silence and right now I just wish the floor could swallow me. "Well I guess I'll leave you here then but if you need anything at all Zara you know where to find me" Ms Debby says as she walks out and thanks Mr Hobbs.

"Well Ms Wilson, welcome to KESS as the kids here like to call it, you may take a seat right next to Mr Anderson. Mr Anderson raise your hand so she can see you" Mr Hobbs says. Mr Anderson, I mean Trent raises his hand. "Shit" , i say as I make my way to the empty seat next to Trent. "Mr Anderson, be nice do not corrupt the poor kid" Mr Hobbs says as he goes back to teaching. "What are you talking about sir, I'm always nice" Trent says , then he does something that melts my heart , he smiles at me

A/N. Hey guys so this is my first book and I hope is doesn't suck as bad as I thought it would, feel free to vote , like and comment, please no negativity allowed , don't crush a girls spirit

Yara Shahidi as Zara Wilson
Dave Franco as Trent Anderson
Halsey as Chloe Baker
Bella Thorne as Amber Steele

Right now I'm only gonna introduce and mainly focus on these four characters , don't forget to like and vote and comment

Lots of love

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