Chapter __ ~ And the Winner is...

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Meyhem gave a nod, brushing the hair from her face as she looked at Angelo incredulously. "I-I think I understand most of it-" She was cut off by a roar from Cytronic as he blasted another of the oncoming racers. "I just thought the cube was another power source. Powerful as all hell, yeah, but still. I guess an object that's capable of sealing away a dimension-altering, megalomaniacal cat creature would have that sort of signature about it."

Angelo simply shrugged. He wasn't really sure how Meyhem was able to tell how powerful the cube was, but what she had said was a likely assumption. "So. Are you on our side?"

"Only if we do this together." Meyhem giggled. "I didn't come to a race just for forfeit. I'd much rather race alongside you guys than fall behind."

"We wouldn't expect you to." Shade chuckled, glancing back at the others. As soon as he did, though, he felt a lump rise in his throat. Angelo noticed the look on his old friend's face, immediately looking to see what the source was. Of course, it was nothing good. Roaring up behind the racers was a gigantic, chocolate tsunami crashing down right on top of them.

"Faster!!" Shade shouted.

The group rushed forward to avoid the wave, managing to slip into the next leg of the race before they were swept away, but the liquid chocolate rapids still followed after them like a flood. Meyhem raced along, glancing back over her shoulder to see yet another mabu racer get batted out of the sky by the frothy brown waves; this sight only tightening the knot in her stomach. She looked over to her brother, who met her gaze almost instantly, the two exchanging a silent warning. Shortly afterwards, Kaos swore loudly, pitching up out of the reaching grasp of one of the waves.

"That stupid Pandergast! After I win this race, he's going to regret ever messing with KAOS!!"

"And Meyhem!" Meyhem chimed in, Cytronic clacking in agreement.

Kaos rolled his eyes. "Yes. You too, Mey."

"And the rest of the team too, right little brother?" Meyhem gestured to Angelo, Shade and Lucarian, grinning innocently.

Kaos shot her a glare, his mouth bent into a snarl. "Fine. The rest of them too." Meyhem opened her mouth to speak again, but was cut off by the Tiny Tyrant. "Let's just win this thing and not get drowned in chocolate, okay?! Enough listing off Skylosers!"

"Can do, little brother!" Meyhem giggled.

The group soon arrived at the split paths again. Angelo was quick to speak up this time, encouraging them all to take the path with the houses, seeing as before it had been much safer. Rather than finding the same peaceful village, though, the group was greeted by chaos. The area had already been flooded, the sugar nymphs crowding on top of their wafer houses in desperate attempts to save themselves from the rushing rapids, although some had already begun to get swept away. Angelo was quick to dive down towards the flooded areas, scooping up the nymphs he was able to reach. Shade turned towards the others.

"Go on ahead!" He called. "We'll meet you at the finish line!"

The darkling flew after Angelo, picking up the nymphs that crossed his path as the two headed off course towards the flooded village.

"I'll help!!" Meyhem sped off after the two, calling back to her brother shortly afterwards. "Kaos! You better win this, or I'm disowning you!!"

"Not if I disown you first!" Kaos shot back, unable to hold back a grin.

Lucarian eyed the Tiny Tyrant questioningly, but simply shrugged it off, assuming it was an odd villain sibling thing. Nevertheless, he and Kaos shot off towards the next tunnel as the others helped the village get back on its feet before any more damage could be done. Lucarian flinched as he heard a gurgled roar, looking down to see a yeti floating along in the rapids, flailing its four bulky arms in an attempt to keep itself afloat. Kaos stifled a laugh at the sight, finding it just hilarious until Lucarian shot him a glare. Kaos merely shrugged back. Just because he was 'good' now didn't mean he couldn't laugh at someone else's expense. Spyro did it to him all the time. Soon enough, Meyhem had sped up alongside the two of them; four, maybe five nymphs clinging onto her for dear life - Cytronic growling at the arrangement. Angelo and Shade weren't far behind, also carrying as many nymphs as their vehicles could allow, which was arguably a lot more than Meyhem could with her hoverboard.

"Come on." Kaos snickered, rolling his eyes. "Let's just beat this track finally and get that damn cube!"

The group flew up the tunnel, weaving around chocolate spikes and the usual obstacles of one another, before bursting up from the ground and across the finish line in one, big conglomerate. The horn rand loud and clear through the stands as the rows of people began cheering.

"And the winner is..." Pandergast cleared his throat over the intercom. "KAOS!!"

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