Chapter __ ~ One Last Shot

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Kyrel's cocky smile faltered for a second, but soon returned. What was this shrimp up to now? Kaos stood up from the wall, his arms falling to his sides as he opened his mouth to continue.

"I don't know what I said or did to make you hate me so much, but I'm sorry nonetheless. I know you like her... and I've been taking her away from you. I know how that feels. It's happened to me before. I know you probably resent me for that. Completely loathe me for taking her away from you, but... I'm hoping we can put our pasts behind us and start fresh. Like what I'm trying to do here. Get a new start. What do you say?"

Kaos held his hand out for Kyrel to shake it. All the while staring at the dark whisp. His wide, glimmering eyes unblinking.

"This might be the opportunity you require." Ealenta hissed, "Destroy him. Or... take the bait, so you can take care of him when he isn't looking."

Kyrel stopped smiling. Staring down at Kaos outstretched hand like it was a disease. Then, he laughed. Threw his head back and cackled. A demonic, evil cackle you would only really expect from Kaos. Kaos stepped back, the back of his foot sliding up against the wall, shocked and slightly disturbed by Kyrel's actions. His hand still outstretched, but shaking slightly now.

"You really think... you really think you're gonna fool me with that old 'let's be friends' trick!? Hahahaha! You're pathetic, Kaos. Truly pathetic." Kyrel swatted Kaos' hand to the side.

Kaos recoiled, but just slightly. Clutching his hand where Kyrel had touched it. His touch had burned like the fires of the Underworld. In Kaos' moment of confusion, Kyrel whipped his other hand out from behind his back, flinging the fiery orb straight at Kaos' head.

"Hot potato, hot potato, who had the hot potato?" Kyrel cackled.

Kaos dipped to the side, barely dodging the orb. He could feel its searing heat licking at the side of his face as he swerved to the side.

Thank Eon for Stealth's power...

On impact with the wall, the ball of flames exploded. The wave of heat and little flakes of flames whacking Kaos head on. Kaos stumbled to the side, trying to cool down his smoldering cloak.

"I'm not tricking you! This is a genuine request! Please, Kyrel. Why won't you believe me?!" Kaos cried, causing the last of the flames to go out.


Kyrel's eyes were pure, burning yellow now. Sparks of electricity seeming to spark off of them. Kyrel held up his hand and tendrils of scorching hot, blue flames erupted off of his fingers.

"You're not fooling everyone, you know, with this whole 'good guy' act. That's all it is. An act! I know what you're up to! You may have Shoria on your side, but you don't even have your own creation with you!"

Alarm flooded through Kaos as these words. What did Kyrel know? He needed to act, quickly. No more stalling. No more playing around. Kaos closed his eyes and snapped his fingers together. Long, obsidian chains sprung from the ground and wrapped around Kyrel's wrists and ankles.

"You're right Kyrel." Kaos breathed. "I am a liar. But, this time... I wasn't. I truly wanted to start fresh. But, I guess... looks like you don't want to."

Kaos smirked demonically, his eyes flashing black for a few seconds. Kaos took a deep breath, the feeling of power spreading through him. It was working. He could feel Kyrel's power flooding into him... along with something else. A new power Kaos hadn't sensed the dark whisp had possessed before. It was dark and old. As old as time itself. There wasn't much of it, but Kaos could tell it wasn't Kyrel's. It had been gifted to him... but by who? No time to think about that now. It was almost done. Just a little longer...

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