Chapter __ ~ A Break from the Regularily Scheduled Program

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Quinn slowly blinked her eyes open as the world fell into focus around her, looking up to see BEN staring off into the distance. Seeing the Creepypasta allowed Quinn to relax slightly.
"Wha... where?" Quinn mumbled sleepily.
Quinn looked around her, wincing from the throbbing pain she felt coursing through her body. Attempting to recall what had happened, she blushed, instinctively reaching out for the sweater that she used to hide her form. Finding it too far away to grab, Quinn could feel herself growing more and more apprehensive. She hated it, being a doll, having her 'skin' showing. It made people treat her differently, like she was an object. Quinn could feel herself tearing up at the thought, of how everyone was going to treat her now. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Quinn looked up at BEN, reaching out to try and take his hand, needing the comfort of knowing he was there. She couldn't express how grateful she felt that he had stayed with her.
BEN noticed Quinn attempt to get up and set the device he had in his lap on the bedside table, reaching his free hand out to Quinn and pulling her up into a sitting position.
"Hey there. Glad you're up." The grabbed the device again, pulling up a snapshot he had taken during the live feed of the race. He turned the device to Quinn, the screen displaying an image of Ringmaster's vehicle passing the finish line. "Guess who won the sea race."
Quinn smiled up to BEN, then at the image displayed on screen. She giggled happily. "Wow... Ringmaster really did it. That car though, it looks so... Ringmaster-ey." She paused, then sighed, looking off to the side. "I- I'm sorry. I probably scared you... doing that during the race."
A small frown plagued Quinn's previously happy expression, not exactly sure how BEN would respond. She wasn't sure if he had even noticed yet, but that only made her feel more scared. How would he react if and when he did find out?
BEN smiled warmly. "Hey. You may have scared me there, but that was an awesome thing to do. And to think everyone just treats you like you're purely made of porcelain..."
He trailed off and sighed, putting his head in his hands. "...including me. I should be the one who's sorry. I just... I didn't want you hurt. I know, I sound stupid, I'm treating you like a toy. I'm sorry."
Quinn blinked, caught off guard by BEN's words. She looked back over at him, a warm feeling starting to seep up into her chest. She move up closer to BEN, wincing slightly as she wrapped her arms around him.
"You... you have no idea how... just how much hearing that means to me, BEN. I- I was so worried that if you knew you'd treat me like I was a throw away, like I really was just some doll..."
Quinn buried her face in BEN's shoulder, relaxing as the warm feeling in her chest grew, her eyes starting to sting with tears. BEN smiled, snuggling into Quinn, her warmth filling him with joy. He didn't feel it, but in that moment, he changed. Physically. His skin began turning a pale grey, the whites of his eyes turning a vibrant yellow, his irises a forest green. Horns in the shape of a pointed triangle sprouted from the top of his head, and his teeth grew razor sharp. Sensing something was a bit off, BEN opened his eyes and looked down at his hands. Upon noticing his new grey flesh, BEN jumped back in surprise.
"What the hell!?" He looked up and saw the horns in his line of vision, tapping them lightly he immediately recoiled. "Ow! What the... oh, dammit."
He looked over at Quinn, who bore a confused expression, also having noticed his sudden and quite odd transformation.
"I'll, uh, be right back." BEN explained. "Don't go anywhere. You're still not recovered fully."
On that note, BEN slipped off of the bed the two had been sitting on and ran out of the room, a sneaking suspicion slowly crawling into his thinkpan over what had happened. Quinn couldn't help but giggle quietly as she watched BEN leave, almost amused by his reaction to his new form, before pausing. She moved her hand to rest over where her heart would be enjoying the warmth it gave off as it remained there.

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