Chapter __ ~ Chocolate Rain

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Kaos dodged what he could and blasted what he couldn't, rocketing towards the waterfall. Surprised and questioning looks were shot his way by the other racers, but his plan was set. If Kaos knew Pandergast, which he somewhat did, then there was at least a fifty percent chance his assumption would be correct. There was also a fifty percent chance that he was sending himself to his own Darkness forsaken doom and would be met with an untimely end, as well as have his Doom Jet get crushed against a jawbreaker-hard wall like an empty tin can. Kaos scrunched his eyes closed, bracing himself for the hit, but no hit came. Blinking his eyes open, he found himself now within a small tunnel, chocolate sauce dripping down his head and into his eyes. Stifling a cackle, Kaos sped up, navigating the small tunnel before emerging above Lucarian, Angelo and Shade. Grinning, Kaos took a nosedive, quickly speeding to the near front of the group, leaving Meyhem in the dust. The group of racers was now flying down a long, narrow tunnel, the chocolate waterfall now a rapidly running river below their vehicles. Up ahead, Shade noticed the path branched off into into two possible ways to go; one that seemed to be a fudgesicle cavern and the other covered in chocolate bar segments as if it was a fungus that had been growing over the sugary stone.

"Angelo and I will take that path!" Shade shouted, pointing to the fudgesicle one. "You take the other!"

Lucarian nodded, veering off into the other path as the group began to split. Kaos followed after Lucarian, seeing as he had gone by himself, slowly edging up on the Shadow Dragoon in an attempt to overtake it. Out of habit, he glanced back to see if anyone else had taken the same path, and sure enough a few other racers were behind them. Worriedly enough, though, there was no sign of Meyhem. Kaos assumed that she had taken the other path, and while he would have rather dealt with her himself, it was Shade and Angelo's problem now.

"Hey boys!" Shade winced as he saw Meyhem pull up alongside him and Angelo, grinning from ear to ear. "Sorry to drop in like this, but I've got a weird glowy cube thing to claim!"

With that, and a swift electric charge from Cytronic, Meyhem sped forward, dodging the attack Angelo had sent her way. The tunnel began to open up into an underground forest of sorts, frost-tipped fudgesicle trees lining the raceway, a cold wintery breeze blowing through the tunnel.

"Meyhem!" Angelo called up ahead, the group flying over a frozen chocolate lake. "We need that cube to save Skylands! Don't be the enemy here!"

Meyhem paused, just picking out Angelo's words from the roar of engines before falling back to his side, curiosity gaining the better of her. "What? What do you mean you need that thing to save Skylands? Isn't it just another energy source?"

Cytronic hissed at Angelo, whirrs and clacks escaping his open jaws. Meyhem simply placed a hand on his snout, slowly pushing his mouth closed with a small tsk tsk, a disapproving look on her face as she eyed the dragon. Shade was starting to see the resemblance between her and Kaossandra, at least. Not so much Kaos, though.

"No, Cytronic." Meyhem reassured the robot. "Angelo is not trying to trick us. At least... I don't believe his is. Are you?"

"He has never told a lie in his life!" Shade called back, Cytronic simply snapping his jaws at the darkling.

"There's a mad-woman on the loose." Angelo continued. "If we don't stop her, all of Skylands is done fo-"


BEN let a growl escape his pulled back lips. "And how exactly did this 'just happen', as you say?! Not trying to be rude, but this doesn't seem like an accident!"

"Well." Whisp paused. "I needed a test subject for a new formula. You just happened to be the recipient. With all of the realms starting to fall together, I decided to test the laws of cannon. Apparently the fourth wall isn't the only thing that's broken."

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