Chapter __ ~ Enter, the Creators!

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Everyone looked up to the sky, a mix of horror and awe on their faces as the vortex opened above them. From the vortex, a shower of random objects began falling down, causing the Skylanders to duck and weave through the debris. Broken shards of glass which shattered even more on impact with the ground, a few black chairs with the wheels on the legs, two plushies (one of a fox and one of a baby hydra), an assortment of other mismatched objects and finally... a group of people?! Kaos squinted up into the sky as the figures tumbled towards the ground below, the vortex closing behind them. Shakai grinned, then rushed into the sky, swooping one of the falling figures up in his arms and diving back to the ground. Holding onto the being, a young girl, tightly. Letting the others fall to the ground with a SMASH! The girl held in Shakai's arms was on the shorter side, with medium length, wavy, dirty blonde hair. The girl wore a baggy, light blue hoodie with a red fox face sewn onto the front; dark blue jeans and tennis shoes. Her almond-shaped eyes were a rich hazelnut color, standing out against her pinkish skin, which was only really visible on her face. Shakai tilted his head to the side and made a small tisk noise.

"No skirt... damn." He hissed.

The girl blinked a few times before realizing what Shakai was thinking, her face turning beet red in the process. A look of indignancy and slight anger coming into play on her face.

"Y-You pervert!" She cried, pounding her fist against his chest.

Shakai cackled, then slipped the girl out of his arms and onto the ground. Once she had punched Shakai once more in the arm, the girl looked around. Her eyes finally coming to rest on the two plushies that had fallen down before. She ran over to them and knelt down. Watching as the plushies slowly blinked, shaking themselves off. With a gleeful smile, the girl fawned over her once plushes, but now living creatures, before she really took in her surroundings.

A little ways off, another of the Creators was quickly getting her bearings. She was a tall girl with light grey skin, though barely any of it was visible. She wore a dark purple sweater with the hood pulled up over her head, causing her long, chocolate brown hair to fall around her shoulders in two, tangled streams. A light purple half-mask covered the top half of her face. The black rings painted around the eyeholes making her glowing white eyes look even more stunning. Instead of pants, she wore a dark blue shirt that came down a little past her knees. Overhearing Shakai's words, the Creator sighed and walked over to the first girl's side.

"Quinn! Urgh, why didn't you tell me this version of Shakai was such a pervert?! I would've taken off this skirt EJ gave me for Christmas." She huffed, motioning to the skirt she was wearing. She then turned around and slapped Shakai right across the side of the face. "Don't you DARE try anything, mister. I already have a boyfriend."

Quinn looked flustered, but managed a weak laugh. Getting to her feet. Shakai looked the brown haired girl over, smirking at what he saw.

"Wow... so fiery. You should have worn red panties instead of white." He snickered, causing the girl to blush. "White is for the pure. Betcha your boyfriend would appreciate that... if I don't make ya want me, that is."

With a cackle, Shakai flapped his wings and took to the sky. Quinn glared at him as he left, circling high above the group.

"Dang it you!" Quinn yelled, "You- you perv!" With a groan, Quinn took her eyes from Shakai and looked back to the girl. "Uhg. I'm so, so sorry Whisp. I... I didn't think he'd turn out like this... worse than I had first thought." She sighed and shook her head, kneeling down and picking up her plushies. Cuddling them close in her arms. "I was about to throw a pizza and steak party for some SCPs too. It was gonna be so much fun, and now I don't get any pizza or steak. Darn it all."

Skylanders: Second LeafOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora