Chapter 20 ~ Rivals

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The last student came into the classroom just as the late bell rang. Redalox glared at the boy, then went back to writing today's lesson on the board. The trainee was a tall, young male that gave off a kind of dark glow, implying that he was a whisp. A dark one at that. The boy's skin was kind of a greyish blue color with two light blue markings on his face and on his neck. His jet-black hair was longer than most boy's and came down a little past his neck and in the light had a dark blue tint to some of the strands. A long, sweeping bang covered his left eye. The ends of it dyed navy blue. He wore a red flannel jacket over a black T-shirt and some simple black jeans with a chain. Worn out, black sneakers with grey, broken soles covered his feet; the dirty, worn laces dragged along the ground as he walked and looked as if they had never been tied in their lives. There were plenty of open seats, as students has started sharing desks to get farther away from the tiny tyrant, but the boy decided to take the one right next to Kaos. On his right side.

"Uh... hi there. You must be Kaos. I've heard you're terrible, but I don't believe it. School wide gossip goes around every day." The boy smiled at Kaos.

Kaos looked up from his desk, tilting his head to the side to get a better look at the boy who had dared to sit down beside him and had actually started talking to him like Kaos wasn't some monster that had broken into the Academy and should be shot down on the spot.

"And you are?" Kaos asked irritably, glaring at the whisp.

The two locked eyes, both unblinking. They stared at each other, neither of them making a sound. The boy continued to smile, and Kaos continued to glare daggers. As time progressed, Kaos could feel himself relaxing. People had stopped staring at him, aside from the whisp boy, and were just chatting amongst themselves as if they had forgotten Kaos had even existed.

"I-I'm Kyrel. Tales of your glory I have heard." Kyrel smiled, his eyes lighting up like broken Christmas lights, "And I loved those tales. I'd ask people to tell them to me over and over again! You seem interesting. How someone so small can hold so much power in their hands. No offence on the small thing, of course."

"Kyrel, eh? Wait... tales of glory?" Kaos allowed himself to smile a little, rising his head off of the desk, "Well, I don't like to brag, but, yeah. It was pretty awesome. But, let me guess. You just listened to those stories to see how the Skylosers 'epicly defeated' me? Right?" Kaos' smile faded a little, but he kept up the friendly act, waiting for Kyrel to answer.

"Well... yeah, but I never trusted that part. I personally believe that was a mere cover-up for their fallen. I've seen them after your battles. They look so battered and bruised. Beaten beyond regulation. And you - you never have a scratch on you. Well, at least not anything major. Perhaps because you have minions, but the battles you did fight yourself, I never saw you mortally wounded, like the others." Kyrel smirked, "I'm just here to know what they do. I plan to fight back one day, you know."

Kaos was sitting up straight now, intrigued. This Kyrel boy was starting to grow on him. "Interesting life choice. Then again, this is coming from an ex-supervillain mastermind."

"How did you get so much power?" Kyrel asked. He genuinely sounded intrigued.

"Well, my little Skyloser trainee, that is quite simple. I'm just that awesome." Kaos scoffed, "I guess it does help it have parents who are esteemed Portal Masters of the 'highest ability and power'." Kaos said the last part about power like it was a joke he had grown tired of. "Of course, they've always viewed me as a curse. A virus. Something to be ashamed of having."

Kyrel sighed. "Being from parents who treated me like a piece of cardboard, I know how you feel. That made me strong and vengeful, also leading be to becoming the dark whisp I am." He smiled darkly again, "I love being evil."

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