Chapter 12 ~ Over my Dead Body

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Shoria tensed up, trying to become as small as possible. Spyro barred his fangs, hissing. His tail thrashing from side to side in anger. Robo-Kaos fell silent, pressing its back up against the hull of the Sea Shadow, trying its best to disappear and not come back. They were outnumbered four to twelve. Two if you weren’t counting the soulless body and hunk of scrap metal that couldn’t fight if its ‘life’ depended on it. Coldfinger grinned coldly, blowing out a puff of smoke from his cigar.

“Skeleborg won’t be too happy if we let you take Kaos’ body, so-”

WHAM! The Eruption Express barreled into the wall of snowmen, carrying them along with it. Mammagma honked his horn in triumph as the hench-snowmen cried out for help that would never come to them.

“Put us down!” Coldfinger demanded over the roar of the engine.

“How about no?” Mammagma called out, an ecstatic grin plastered across his face.

Mammagma pounded his fist into a button on the dashboard and the Express and the front burst into blazing flames as it sped around at high speed. The fire's burning tendrils licked at and engulfed the snowmen until they were mere whisps of steam floating up from the front of the vehicle. All except Coldfinger.

“Skeleborg was prepared.” He grinned as he rose his icy finger, “How about I send you back to the ice age-”

Before Coldfinger could strike, Mammagma pulled the breaks, and Coldfinger was launched into the air.

“AAAAAUGH!” He shouted as he soared high above the battle and hit the ground with a loud THUMP.

Coldfinger groaned in pain. His back aching from the fall. Monarch fluttered down to his side, her hands glowing with green energy, and began to cast a healing spell upon the injured snowman.

“Don’t let them get the upper hand. You know what’ll happen then.” She scolded.

“I know that.” Coldfinger retorted as he got up.

Monarch rolled her eyes, then flinched as the Shadow Scourge raced past as quick as a flash. Only a sliver away from the villains. Infuriated, Monarch spread her wings and bolted after it. Coldfinger snickered, then stuck two of his fingers in his mouth and let out a high-pitched whistle. A blue car with gatling guns set on top of its hood barreled through the crowd and came to a screeching stop in front of Coldfinger. He peered inside and noticed two of his snow-henchmen were piloting the vehicle.

“Blast anyone you can.” Coldfinger commanded coldly.

The snowman in the driver’s seat nodded, then drove off. A few seconds later, Coldfinger felt a bullet ricochet off of the back of his chestplate.

Coldfinger whipped around, “ANYONE ON THE OPPOSING SIDE!” He cried as if it were self explanatory.

Shoria crouched beside the Sea Shadow, watching robo-Kaos attempt to do something with the circuitry of the vehicle.

“If you break that thing…” Shoria warned, eyeing robo-Kaos with a sceptical look on her face.

Robo-Kaos shook his head, clacking and whirring as he fiddled with a few wires he had pulled out of the dashboard.

Shoria smiled. Then glanced up at the sky. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the Shadow Scourge racing around at high speed, a large butterfly hot on its tail. She turned back to robo-Kaos.

“Be right back. Duty calls.” She said before jumping to her feet and racing off to join the battle. “Bad idea sending Monarch down…”

Shoria pushed her hands forward, her wrists touching each other, and a torrent of water flooded out. It sprayed into the air and engulfed Monarch, the waves tearing her papery wings. Chipping off scales as a tornado would do to the shingles on the roof of a house. The water cleared and Monarch was sent tumbling down to the battle below. She landed in a mob of puppets and soon found herself entangled in their web of strings. Shoria giggled, then ran off deeper into the chaos.

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