Chapter __ ~ Snowflame Mountain

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Lucarian glanced over at EJ. A little uneased by this development. He wasn't one for Creepypastas, and had only really heard of one or two of these creatures, but decided it was better to try and get along than ignore them. He gave a small smile as the two shook hands. Lucarian was just about to strike up a conversation when Buzz stepped in between them. Clearing his throat to claim the Creator's full attention.

"Pardon me," Buzz interrupted, "it's nice to see you all getting along, but we should get moving."

"The old fool's right." Zelcron noted, Angelo walking up behind them.

Lucarian nodded and Buzz grumbled underneath his breath, correcting Zelcron that he was still a ninja commando master. He then turned his head to look at the other groups and called, "Alright, troops! Let's head out! The cubes aren't gonna wait forever!". The conversations immediately dropped off as Buzz's words met their ears. Everyone began filing out of Cloudcracker and into the fresh air. Heading for Flynn's ship. They had decided it was easier to all travel in one vessel then go separately, seeing as they were stronger in numbers. And it would give them more time to get acquainted with one another while also covering some ground. Shade nodded to the fat robot as they exited. The robot gave him a weary look, but nodded back, having overheard some of their conversations. He didn't really want to leave another of their high security prisoners in the hands of the people who had lost the first one... or two, but he knew it was for the best. Even if there was a chance Zelcron could manage to get out. Shade sighed as he walked out into the open air, then felt a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Mammagma smiled over at him, and Shade managed one back. Despite the odds of them winning, he still had to hope for the best. After all, hope was practically all they had right now.

In around an hour's time, the ship was approaching Snowflame mountain. Scrape leaned over the railing of the ship's deck, holding onto her cat ear like it was a hat that could fly away in the wind. Her eyes wide and glittering with excitement. Snowflame mountain was a huge, towering peak that pierced the clouds that swirled around its summit. Lava gushed from a large hole in the top; pouring over the rocky sides in thick, bubbling streams that pooled at the bottom. The jagged rock-face itself was covered in a thick layer of strongly packed snow. Icicle like spikes jutting out in every which way. Magma rivers flowed next to snowy banks without cooling or melting the frozen water. Even within the lava lakes that covered the island around the mountain, snowy patches of land or floating pieces of ice appeared within them. The place was an utter spectacle.

"It's so beautiful!" Scrape gushed enthusiastically. "I love it!"

Whisp patted her on the back, smiling sheepishly. "Of course you do."

"Meh. I've seen better." Kaos muttered.

"I love and hate this place at the same time..." Mammagma noted.

The ship docked on the island near a snowy bank. The air chilly and frost bitten, yet scorching hot. Like they had been placed inside a furnace. In a sense, this place balanced itself out. A perfect example of yin and yang. Scrape grabbed Kaos by the arm, to his dismay, and jumped off the ship. Giggling exhilaratingly. Dragging Kaos along with her as she plunged into a deep snowbank beside the ship. Shade glanced over the edge, watching as Scrape was running around like a child. Tossing snow up into the air. Kaos was frantically brushing the snow off of him, yelling at Scrape to cut it out.

"We don't have time to frolic, you sorry excuse for a Poser Master!" He shouted.

Scrape laughed, falling down into the snow. Lucarian glanced over at Whisp, a questioning look on his face.

"She did know there was a ramp to get off, right?"

"Yeah." Whisp shrugged. "But this is Scrape we're talking about."

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