Chapter 3 ~ Final Battle

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The glorious light of morning came far too quickly for Kaos’ liking. At the first chipper song of the early morning sparrling, he was awoken quite rudely by Golden Queen. Grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him violently until he finally woke up, which wasn’t very long at all. It wasn’t really the harsh, violent shaking that had woken him, but the constant banging of the back of Kaos’ head as it got thwacked against the Traptanium wall with every hard shake Golden Queen gave him.

“Rise and shine, shorty. You’ve got a big, bright, day ahead of you.” Golden Queen cooed. A sweet, mocking simper to her voice.

Golden Queen hoisted Kaos to his feet, then shoved him back into the corner and walked off. Kaos mumbled something under his breath and straightened himself out, brushing off his robes at the same time. He allowed himself to look slightly distraught and sleepy, but on the inside, Kaos was bursting with energy and anticipation for what was to come. Though, he had to use most of that energy just to keep his overwhelming elation inside of him and not let anyone know how he actually felt. He had gone too far for his plan to fail now because of him not being able to contain his true emotions.

Stealth and Shoria sat in the old, colosseum-like arena. Attempting to get it cleaned ready for today’s battle lineup before the ‘festivities’ actually began.

“So… who should we face against each other today?” Stealth asked Shoria as she was pruning up the stands.

“Dunno, Stealth. I was thinking of facing Kaos against Bruiser Cruiser, what do you think? Of course, his powers will be taken away from him before he enter the ring, and the Bruiser Cruiser guys’ll keep the vehicle. Also, it’d be mildly enjoyable to see Golden Queen beat up Chompy Mage or somethin’. What was on your mind for putting people against each other?” Shoria glanced up at Stealth in the stands from where she was writing the matches for today on the large blackboard that was rested up against the back wall of the little alcove where the scorekeepers sat and watched the battle from what you could consider ‘front row seats’. Picking up every little detail of the battle and sometimes even getting dragged into the battle itself by ‘accident’. Those villains would come up with ANY possible excuse to harm one of their captors.

Shoria seemed to be picking the matches that would be close, such as the Gulper and Chef Pepper Jack. Sometimes, when deciding the matches, Shoria would participate for training reasons. She found that when in the ring, placed up against one of the villains that used to plague this beautiful universe before the Skylanders had captured and forcibly ‘rehabilitated’ them, Shoria’s mind was the clearest it had ever been. It allowed her to think. To mawl over her actions. Just like she did on the actual battlefield. She would be able to anticipate her opponent's actions and counter accordingly. It was great for training for the actual, REAL battles she would have to face as a full-fledged Skylander. Today, Shoria had put herself up against Shield Shredder.

“Hmm? Oh. Maybe Kaos verses Wolfgang, then winner goes up against Golden Queen? Powers and all?” Stealth suggested, chucking the rubble she had gathered up from the last battle into a small pile that rested to the right of her, a couple inches away. A small pile that was starting to grow bigger and bigger with every passing second.

“Ah. I was thinking we’d let Kaos go easy this time, just to let that little twerp get used to the ring. Then I would pair him with the Doom Raiders. After all, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

“You’re right, as always Shoria, but… maybe Kaos deserves a little… fun. I’m sure he’ll enjoy it greatly. Hey, can you put me up against someone? I’m itching for a battle.”

“Maybe you could go up against Kaos, Stealth.” A voice suggested. Spyro stepped out into the blazing from the shadows of one of the arched entranceways into the arena. The purple dragon seemed quite happy.

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