Chapter __ ~ Lend a Hand... or Ten

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Just as the words left Scrape's mouth, they were there. Standing at the entrance to the magnificent, Traptanium crafted building known as Cloudcracker Prison. Everyone stood just as they had; all except Hugo, that was. The little Mabu had fallen face first onto the ground, still lightly clutching Slenderman's hand. Whisp smiled at their safe arrival, then let go of her master's hand, followed by the others climbing to the ground. Scrape let go of her friend's hand, then gazed around in awe. It was just as she had imagined it. Whisp walked over to Hugo as he finally let go of Slenderman's hand, but still lay face first on the ground. Whisp giggled, then helped the poor librarian to his paw-like feet. As Hugo brushed himself off and thanked Whisp, while giving Slenderman a few uneasy glances, Scrape heard the familiar sound of Flynn's voice talking over the intercom of his ship in the distance.

"Didn't take them long." Whisp commented.

"We probably weren't all that far away." Scrape replied. "We were only in Motley Meadows, right?"

"Villa Village." Hugo corrected.

"Right." Scrape said, nodding slowly.

"Hello down there!" Flynn called loudly over the intercom as he began piloting the ship in for landing.

Scrape watched as the ship came into dock at the edge of the island, Shade's Shadow Scourge following close after. The party that had arrived with Slenderman waited for the passengers of the ship to unload, then they all began walking towards the huge, crystalline double doors that lead into the villain-filled prison. Lucarian looked up at the gates, in awe of how big they truly were in person. He had never thought he would actually be here, in Skylands; surrounded by his fellow Creators and creations. Even though his actions were technically the reason they were here, he still couldn't fully believe it. Yet, here he was. Here they were. In the realm they had been watching over.

"Didn't think I'd be here again so soon." Lucarian turned to see Shade walking at his side. The Darkling's tone was cold.

Lucarian looked away. As much as he wanted Shade to like him, he understood why the Darkling was so bitter. It was his fault Shade had been through all he had. Lucarian sighed. Maybe by the end of this, the two would get along. But, for now, Lucarian just had to accept fate for what it was. Shade was the first to walk in, throwing open the doors for the others. Again, they were met by the same fat robot as before, sitting at the same desk with his feet resting on the surface. As soon as he saw Shade, though, the fat robot sat up straight. As if surprised by the Darkling's sudden arrival.

"Back so soon?" He asked in a surprised manner. As he asked this question, the robot scanned the crowd behind Shade, his gaze finally stopping on Angelo, then flicking back to Shade. "And, uh... how did you separate the two? In fact, where's the other half?"

"Erm..." Shade began nervously.

"We're here to see Zelcron the Horrendously Despicable." Angelo interrupted.

The robot slowly rose up and out of his chair. Making sure to keep an eye on them all. "Well, since you are Skylanders..." Carefully, the robot opened the doors leading into the main prison and motioned for the others to follow him through. "Right this way."

As they made their way through the prison, Kaos followed along behind the others. Making sure to stay close to the end of the line, just in case. His eyes darted from guard to guard as they walked, a nervous tingle beginning to travel up his spine. Cloudcracker always gave him the creeps. Without warning, Kaos felt a tap on his shoulder. With a start, Kaos turned to see Shoria, giggling quietly and smiling brightly down at him. Her demeanor was as happy as always, but Kaos could tell she was almost as nervous as he was.

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