Chapter 27 ~ The New Arrival

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It was nearing the end of the day. A silent sigh slipped out of Shakai's open maw, wings flapping nervously as he looked out to his destination. He hoped that maybe, just maybe, he would come across another like him. Maybe not exactly the same, but someone lost. Someone in need of help. Like him. Shakai shook his head. He knew better. Having moved there to escape the tragedy. Shakai shivered some at the memory, refocusing on where he was going. Shakai was, as far as he knew, the last of his kind. A humanoid dragon of sorts, having the wings, claws and tail of a dragon. Along with other dragon like features, yet remaining human-like. His body was covered in glossy scales of black and blue, with accents of red. He was of average height. Shakai didn't know why he was heading to this place exactly, but he had a sneaking feeling that what he was looking for would be there. Now, as Shakai flew through the blizzarding winds and blinding white flurries of snow, he thought about what that thing was exactly. What he was truly searching for. Shakai guessed he would find out when he got there. As if on cue, Shakai saw the shadowed silhouette of a magnificent building painted through the falling sheets of white. He was here. Finally, he had arrived.

Welcome to the Skylander Academy. Shakai thought, allowing a small smile to form on his face. At least one thing was going good.

Shade swooped down lower, slowing down slightly to be able to look around. He pulled his goggles down over his eyes as he began to hover in mid-air. Not wanting to get too close until he knew it was safe. Shakai used his wings to steady himself in the air as he looked around. His eyes eventually drifting down to the messenger bag that rested against his left hip. The bag that contained all of his remaining belongings and a spare change of clothes, not unlike the casual outfit he was wearing right now. Not bothered by the cold.

Shade stood on the balcony of one of the towers, looking at what little of the blackened sky showed through the flurry of white. At the moment, all he had to do was wait for Krattix to do his thing, and then... no. Shade's gaze shifted down to the frozen railing his hands were clasped around. He was a fighter. He had to find a way. He looked towards the sky once more and noticed something strange. Out of place. A small, shadowy dot silhouetted against the crisp, white expanse. Shade squinted, hoping to get a better look. As he did so, and the dot got closer, he could start to make out a few discerning features. The dot was a dragon-like, humanoid creature. Approaching. Fast. Shade hoped dearly that it was Time Lord, but he knew deep down that wasn't the fact. Shade watched the creature come down. He wasn't one to greet anyone with open arms, or be too friendly; but being in this position, he figured that it would take his mind away from everything. At least momentarily. Shade turned and headed down the stairs, making his way to the front doors. Shade emerged into the frigid cold just as the creature touched down. Ringmaster was already standing at the top of the stairs, ready to strike up a conversation with the creature. Shakai reached his hand up and moved his goggles up onto the top of his head. His slitted emerald eyes looking to the two before him.


"Well, hello!" Ringmaster shook Shakai's hand so hard and fast Shakai almost went numb. "Welcome to the Skylander Academy! I'm Ringmaster and the fellow over there is Shade!"

Shade waved sheepishly. Ringmaster kept chattering on, never letting Shakai or Shade get a single word in. Finally, Shade broke into her rambling.

"What brings you here?" He asked Shakai.

Shakai felt his eyes widen at the handshake that just about took off his hand, trying to listen the best he could to the other through Ringmaster's chatter.

"Um, I'm Shakai... I, well, I was hoping to move here to get away from... something I'd rather not talk about. I used to live in Raven Worthing's Isles but... well, if you go there now or try to... you won't find it..." He trailed off sadly before shaking his head. "Anyway, I was hoping mostly for a fresh start."

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