Chapter __ ~ *Has Been Shattered with no Hope of Restoration. Ever.

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Lucarian stared at the screen intently, a look of slight confusion replacing the one of enjoyment that had been on his face before as Ms. Shift continued to talk. He knew he had made her say those things, but he didn't fully understand why. Then, to Lucarian's surprise, Ms. Shift looked up and locked eyes with him.

Ms. Shift: Hey, you!

"Me?" Lucarian asked, pointing at his himself with his thumb.

This got a few looks from the people around him. Quinn looked up from her control panel and over to Lucarian. Whisp, who had been talking with Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie and Toby had now fallen silent. Making her way over to Lucarian's side. The place where Scrape should have been sitting was empty, and the cat girl was nowhere to be seen. To the reader, this would have been a big mystery as to why she was not there, being the one posting the book in the first place; but to the other Creators, this was not the case. She knew she had just slipped out to get a snack. Something to do with tuna, probably. Now, back to the story.

Ms. Shift: You and your friends mind coming on down?

"I... don't follow." Lucarian glanced from Quinn, to Whisp, then back to the screen that was currently fixed on Ms. Shift. "Do you understand what's going on here? I don't, and I'm writing her!"

Shakai: *growls and sits down* Darn... friggin person has made me go soft. Don't have the power I had before... you're no fun at all, paint blob!! *glares at Ms. Shift*

Quinn looked back at Lucarian uneasily. Scratching the back of her head. This was starting to confuse her too. How was this happening? Why had Lucarian written it so that Ms. Shift was talking to them? Had he even? All of this was quite obscure.

"I dunno..." Quinn muttered. "but, how is she talking to us? I mean, how can she SEE us?

Ms. Shift: Yes. I can see you. All four of you. You want to play along?

Lucarian eyed Ms. Shift quizzically. "What are you hinting at?" He asked, his voice having a slight harsh bite to it. "We're real. You're not."

Ms. Shift: Maybe, but I have infinite power. Including over other dimensions.

Metaltaur: *questioningly* Who is she talking to? The sky?

Shade: No, she's talking to the Portal Masters making this... story...

All at once, it dawned on Lucarian. As he stared into Ms. Shift's eyes, gleaming with mischief, It all made sense to him. And, he could tell by the looks on his comrades'' faces, they were beginning to understand too. Quinn was looking outright shocked, running her fingers through her hair as she attempted to wrap her head around what Ms. Shift was suggesting. Whisp, on the other hand, had a look of complete elation spreading across her features. Her wide grin and eyes sparkling with excitement only strengthening that.

Shakai: Do it. I wanna see my maker! Dude or dudette, don't care. I wanna see 'em!

Quinn stared at the screen. Not at Ms. Shift, but at Shakai. Her skin growing increasingly pale as the seconds ticked past. A nervous laugh escaping her mouth, which was bended into a wry, quivering smile.

"Uhm, I don't want to meet Dark Shakia." She explained sheepishly, "Um, yeah so, they... can't do what I'm thinking. Right? I... really don't like the look he has..."

Just as Lucarian was about to explain the situation they were now in to Quinn and Whisp, the door was swung wide open, a SLAM following as it hit the wall, and Scrape skipped in. A cheery little smile on her face. Holding a plate with half of a tuna sandwich on it and a few sticks of celery. The other half was held within her mouth.

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