Chapter __ ~ The Fourth Wall*

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"Well then, take us there." Shoria said, her gaze hardening.

Mammagma motioned for the two to follow, then headed back down the hallway. At a much slower pace this time, seeing as how he was still panting like a wet Slobbering Mutticus. As they walked, Kaos and Shoria exchanged a few glances, but never locking eyes for more than a few seconds. Eventually, the three arrived at Buzz's office. Mammagma threw open the doors to reveal the interior. It was just as it had been before, only with a holo-projection cast in the middle. Buzz, Shade, Ringmaster, Shakai. Angelo, Metaltaur, Hugo, Flynn and a few other Skylanders stood huddled around it. All gazing at it with a mix of awe and disgust on their faces. As the three entered the room, Buzz tore his eyes from the projection and looked over at them.

"Good thing you made it!" Buzz noted as the three came up. "We have a massive crisis to deal with!"

Buzz nodded to Hugo, who pressed a button the the projector. Making the picture zoom in. Focusing on a brightly colored character prancing around... turning Mabu into various objects. Shoria's face was wrinkled in confusion. Her eyes were slitted, attempting to focus on the character's face.

"Any intel on who this might be? If we figure that out, then maybe we could take whoever it is down."

Buzz shook his head. "We have no recollection of ever seeing a being like this before. Master Eon and Cali are in the library, trying to find some information, but so far they've come up with zilch."

Shakai frowned, tilting his head to the side. He had already seen the closer view of this creature, changing the helpless Mabu into little flowers, but he was still confused. A frown spread across his snout. How could anyone be so cruel? Able to do such things and seem to not care about anyone?

"Where is that at? And, do we have a plan for helping those turned into flowers and such?"

It was Hugo's turn to answer this time around. "We believe that this being is over at Villa Village." Hugo stated. "It's not too far away. As for changing them back, until we can find out how this person's doing it, we have no clear way to reverse it."

Kaos stared at the figure on the screen. Watching its every movement. Not taking his eyes from the discord and mayhem it was causing. A shiver ran through Kaos' body. This wasn't right. Never had Kaos seen a being so powerful as to be able to alter a being's physical structure at the molecular level with just a snap of its fingers. And with such diversity to boot. Kaos had tried, many times, but all he could really manage was turning people into sheep. As they all were watching, something unexpected happened. Something that made them all jump in alarm. The figure on the screen... turned towards the screen. A grin on her face.

"Oooh! Someone's watching!" Ms. Shift perked.

"Hang on," Shade responded in shock, "She can see us?!"

"I see everything..." She said creepily as her head turned three hundred-sixty degrees around. "In fact..."

Ms. Shift reached up and placed her paw on the screen. It began to ripple. Before anyone could react to this development in the plotline, Ms. Shift stuck her paw through and began pulling people through at lightning speed. Kaos glanced over at Shoria, then shouted in alarm as Ms. Shift grabbed her. Shoria yelled in rage as she was pulled through the screen.

"What do you think you're doing!?" She screamed. When she was dropped on the other side, she almost threw a tantrum. "What the heck?? Where are we!?"

Shade looked around as he slowly got up. Off to the side, Kaos was dropped to the ground, landing flat on his face. He sat up, spitting a clump of grass out of his mouth, then jumping to his feet. Brushing the dirt and stray grass blades off of his robes. Everyone was gathered there now. Pulled through the screen by some miraculous plottwist.

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