Chapter __ ~ From the Moment we Met

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"LITTLE BROTHER! LET GO OF MY LITTLE BROTHER, YOU THICK-HEADED FIEND!" Meyhem screamed at the top of her lungs.

She rammed into Kyrel and slammed him to the ground roughly. Knocking the air from his lungs. A crazed look in her eyes, though you couldn't really tell in the right one, since it was glowing pale blue. Her hair was a mess, falling in thick strands down her back and tumbling around her shoulders. Her deep purple dress was torn and dirty. The black bow around her waist falling apart at the seams. She held Kaos to the ground with almost superhuman strength. Though, her left arm kept twitching. Her breathing was mechanical and hoarse. She had clearly been doing something quite off before rushing to her 'little' brother's rescue. Kaos had never been so happy to see family in his entire life. This was the break he needed. SLAM! The blow from Meyhem had forced Kyrel to drop everyone except Kaos. Kaos found this a little cheap and resented the writers for doing this to him.

Scrape: Oh, shut up Kaos. Now, quit changing the subject and let's continue this battle. It's just getting interesting!

Whisp: Aye aye!

Lucarian: You guys aren't moving it along any quicker.

Quinn: Shush, all of you! I want to find out what happens next!

"How cute." Kyrel laughed and spat in her face. His hands lit aflame again. In an instant, Kyrel turned his hands around and grabbed Meyhem's wrists. Burning them to force her to let go. He quickly got up as she cried in pain, falling backwards.

"That's better. Thank you for letting me go. Now then, back to business..."

Everyone released had fled, probably to go gather reinforcements. Not that that would change the outcome of the battle, except for a few more casualties. Kaos was right where Kyrel had left him. Still writhing around. As helpless as a worm on a hook. Without warning, Kyrel found himself being pushed into the wall by a kick to the side of the head. Meyhem giggled.

"Glad I'm still wearing my boots!"

Sure enough, despite being a slightly revealing dress, Meyhem still had her black hiking boots on, only with a slight modification to make it seem like she was wearing heels. Before Kyrel could recover, Meyhem rushed forward and landed a forceful punch right in his chest. Cracking the wall behind him. Despite this, Kyrel just smirked.

"I'm not gonna go down just because some girl is attempting to beat me up." He sneered.

Another tentacle slithered out of the floor, right behind Meyhem. It tapped her on the shoulder. Without giving her any time to respond, the tentacle split into four smaller ones, wrapping around Meyhem's four limbs, and snatched her away from Kyrel. Lifting her into the air. Only by a few feet. Close enough so Kyrel could beat her senseless. Kyrel was too focused to Meyhem, however, that he didn't notice Shoria sneak into the area and walk silently up to Kaos. Her dress was drenched, the bow on the back now just an untied ribbon surrounding her stomach. She signaled for Kaos to be silent, and started to slowly move the tentacle around to allow space for Kaos to slip out of its grasp. As soon as he fett, Shoria took hold of Kaos' wrist and dragged him along behind her. Heading back to her room. Oddly enough, Kaos resited. Didn't he want to be out of that situation?

"S-Shoria!" Kaos pleaded, "I need to go back! Meyhem is- The more Kyrel- He's going to find out! I was starting to see metal on her wrist where Kyrel burnt the flesh away! She's getting hurt, I have to help her before-"

"You can't!" Shoria exclaimed, "I won't let you! If anyone goes, It's me. I'm the one who can calm Kyrel down without knocking him out!" Tears had begun to form in the corners of her eyes. "I just- I can't- I don't want you hurt... like I had been long ago."

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