Chapter __ ~ Night of the Dance

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Shoria groggily woke from her slumber. After a hard evening's work at the ceremony last night, and preparing the finishing touches for the dance that morning, she felt like she could never be as overworked as she was right now. But, tonight was the night - the night of the annual Holiday Dance. As this fact dawned on her, Shoria hurriedly rushed over to her closet and changed into her dress. It was a long, silken dress of blood red. The shade varying throughout the dress. Shoria pulled on her gloves, as white as the fallen snow outside, then tightened the bow around her waist. The bow was a soft, dark black that was comprised of the same fabric as her dress. Hoping she wasn't running late, Shoria slipped into her heels and ran out the door. Heading for the dining hall. As her sleek black heels click-clacking echoed through the halls, Shoria could make out music and voices growing closer. Louder with every step she took forwards. Timidly, Shoria stepped into the dining hall. The tables had been moved, to provide a large area for people to walk around and dance. There were only a few tables left in the room, and all were lining the edge of the space. She slowly walked over to an empty one and sat down. Watching the door. Waiting patiently for Kyrel.

Kaos stood in front of his mirror. His room filled to the brim with shadows. More than usual, if that was even possible. The darkest part seeming to surround Kaos himself. He closed his eyes, brushing a stray tear that had decided it would be fun to try and run down his cheek, giving away the fact that he wasn't as emotionless as he seemed at the moment. Once that tear was dealt with, Kaos opened his eyes, took a deep breath, then straightened his golden crown. Boy, did this bring back memories. Kaos hadn't worn this outfit since he had banished the Darkness (or at least its sentient form) back to the desolate hole it had crawled out of. Kaos brushed the dust off of his dark purple robes, smoothing the creases out of it at the same time. Contemplating whether or not he should actually attend this stupid dance. It would give him a chance to scout out his next victim. But, at the same time... Kaos had the sinking suspicion that it would be too painful to see his only friend there with that sorry excuse for a dark whisp. Finally, Kaos took a deep breath, then turned to leave the safety and the shadows of his room. As he left, Kaos fished the small, rectangular package he had wrapped earlier that week off of his bedspread. Holding it behind his back as he entered the hallway, so no one could see it.

Shoria finally noticed Kyrel come through the entrance, wearing a dark suit, but his hair not changed in the slightest. Shoria waved the dapperly dressed dark whisp down and he sat across from her at the table. Kyrel smiled when he saw Shoria's bloodred dress glimmering faintly in the light.

"You... you look beautiful." Kyrel didn't know what else to say; he'd never actually attended a dance... with a girl.

Shoria blushed lightly. At that moment, Kaos walked into the hall. Forcing a wry smile onto his face. He held the present behind him and out of sight of prying eyes. He would give it to its recipient after the dance. Once she was alone. For now, Kaos would lie and wait. Kaos scanned the crowd, then noticed Shoria and Kyrel sitting off to the side. Staring into each other's eyes all lovey-dovey. The sight made Kaos sick... but it also stung slightly. Like someone was cutting up his already broken, unused heart. Kaos sat down and waited in the shadows of the far corner, but that didn't stop people from noticing him. He overheard a few groups of boys talking about him.

"Hey, what's the Grinch doing over there without Lover Girl?"

"I heard she's here with Kyrel. He's so lucky. I would've asked her if she actually knew me."

"Ah well, next year. Next year will be the year."

"But she's gonna be a full fledged Skylander soon, and I'm only a second year!"

Kaos plugged his ears, drowning out the chatter. He didn't need this right now. He didn't need this ever. Kaos closed his eyes and buried his head in his knees. Scrunching himself up into a small ball. Hoping he could stay even more hidden than before. This was the wrong decision.. He should have just stayed in his room. The voices eventually went away. Or at least the ones directed at him. Shoria glanced over at Kaos, but assumed he was fine and went back to happily chatting with Kyrel. Thinking Kaos was just having a hard time adjusting to the crowd.

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