Chapter __ ~ Winning by Default

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The Creators were the first to launch into battle, followed by the Skylanders, all charging at the wave of feral animals charging at them from all sides. Quinn had stayed back, near Mammagma, seeing as her animals were usually the ones fighting. Kai had taken to the air, spewing plumes of toxic gas, while Royal dashed around the ground, nipping and scratching at the enemies' legs when she could. They didn't do much damage wise, but mostly were just trying to keep the onslaught away from Mammagma. Whisp had pulled out an old pocket knife that had once belonged to Masky; this time around, though, she didn't aim to kill. Only cripple them, remembering Quinn's reaction to their last battle. Lucarian would constantly glance over at her as he fended off the warriors with his blade, making sure she didn't go overboard. Despite all their best efforts, the wolves and apes clearly outnumbered them, and were attacking with full force. Ringmaster charged through the enemies while balancing on a ball, using the balancing pole to smack a few charging apes in the face. Metaltaur stayed near the back of the group, firing his bullets, while Shade used his Wisp Whips to slam the enemies into one another. Scrape was slashing at the enemies with her claws, aiming for chinks in their armor, though something kept stealing her attention away from the battle. Kaos. All he was doing was dodging, forcing his way through the battle to the other side. While she was keeping the wolves at bay, Scrape slowly followed after him, her curiosity gaining the better of her. At the back of the sea of conflict, Saberclaw and Caliente Kong were standing, talking like this was a regular afternoon for them.

"How about after this scuffle, I make you some of my chilli dogs, eh?" Kong suggested.

"Caliente." Saberclaw sighed. "If we are to be married within the week, you need to remember that hot food isn't good for me."

"I've had to adapt to your popsicles and other cold foods. Please do the same for me darling-"

"EY!" The two leaders looked down to see Kaos charging towards them, electricity crackling around his hands. "Hate to break up the conversation, but I have a battle to win!"

Kaos lept into the air, sending a blast of electricity cascading out at Kong. The ape looked less than impressed, stepping to the side as he picked up his mace, then slammed it into Kaos' side before he could attack again. The Tiny Tyrant was hit to the side violently, skidding across the ground before hitting a clear patch in the wall, narrowly avoiding a stream of lava flowing down the side. Scrape gave a yelp, running over to his side in a hurry. Shoria tried following her, but the Nekokin waved her back into battle.

"Go! I'll watch him!" She said.

Shoria nodded, glancing down at Kaos one last time before bolting back into battle, her spear in hand. Scrape immediately went to assessing the damage done to Kaos. Nothing much, just a blow to the head, but it had been enough to knock him out cold. In the meantime, Quinn had begun to grow restless, watching the battle unfold before her eyes. She wanted to help, more than anything, but she couldn't. Compared to the others, she was just weak. If anything, if she joined in, she would only hinder them. BEN had stayed back with her, constantly giving her looks of reassurance, but they weren't doing much to help her self doubt. At that moment, she noticed Shakai wasn't in the battle. She had had a sinking feeling that something was off, like they were missing something, but it wasn't until then that she realized what exactly they were missing. Some point within the fighting, the dragonoid had begun circling the pillar in which the cube was contained, staring down at it with a look of hunger glazed over his eyes.

"Please, darling-" Kong continued.

Saberclaw cut him off by holding up a paw. "We'll discuss this later. After we take care of these miscreants." She pointed to Lucarian, who had just hit an ape in the head with the butt of his sword, knocking it to the ground after the second blow. "He looks like fresh meat to kill."

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