Chapter 8 ~ Sacrifices

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Shoria backed up until her back was pressed up against the cold wall as one of the snowmen pointed his gun at her and began to move forward.

"I think I mighta like to keep this one. She's a purdy one, that's fer sure..."

Shoria growled furiously. "Don't you dare touch me, you sorry excuse for a foe. You'll regret it." Shoria snapped at the hench-snowman eyeing her pervertedly.

The head snowman glared down at his comrade.

"Skeleborg gave his word. Don't make him angery, or it's all on ya!" He growled.

The other snowman grumbled and backed away from Shoria, back into the circle of others. Kaos looked around, glaring at the snowmen surrounding them.

"You know, I was never a big fan of building snowmen when I was younger... now I hate them even more. Ah well. There's one good thing about snowmen... they all melt."

Kaos rose his hands above his head and closed his eyes. A face-splitting grin spread across his face. Black flames erupted to life at the feet of the snowmen. Kaos laughed his signature, evil cackle.

"Check mate." He sneered.

The snowmen stumbled back, stomping on the fire, attempting to snuff it out. But, it seemed, the more they stomped, the more it grew. Licking at and making water trickle down their legs. It took them a few seconds to realize that the water was their legs.

"We need back up!" The head snowman called.

As soon as the words had left his mouth, the doors to the rooms the snowmen had originally exited from swung open and about a handful of small, skeletal robots rolled out. They were small, and instead of arms, they had electrical rods, buzzing with energy. Before anyone could react, the robots let loose a frenzy of lightning strikes from their outstretched 'arms'.

"I thought you'd be smarter, Skylanders. There goes one of those souls. You better hope and pray it wasn't someone too important." The lead snowman commented, smirking.

The robots motored forwards, all of the electricity had left their rod-like 'arms'. Though, they could turn back on at any time.

"My brothers shall carry you into the throne room for our discussion. "

Kaos groaned, the electricity rushing through him, making him unable to move a muscle. He crippled to his knees and fell onto his side, lying on the cold, metal ground. The black fire died down until it was nothing but a few cinders lying around the, slightly melted, snowmen's feet. Spyro, on the other hand, was not as affected by the electric shock from the robots. Having Cynder for a mate and all that. He was used to the 'volts and lightning'. While pretending to be incapacitated, Spyro pondered what Skeleborg was planning. Why he wanted, or needed, Kaos. Nothing came to mind. Spyro closed his eyes, hoping it would help him think better. He didn't open them afterwards. The shock had taken its toll on the purple dragon too. Shoria clutched at her side where the robot had shocked her. She was on one knee, Stealth leaning against her, staring at the advancing snowmen with one eye open. Kaos growled, forcing himself to get to his feet. Without thinking, Kaos lunged at one if the snowmen. Even after getting shocked, he still had the will to fight back. But before Kaos was just about to strike, he froze. Quite literally. Just about to attack, a look of pain mixed with utter rage on his face. Standing in front of him now was Coldfinger.

"Afraid that's gonna cost ya another spirit." He turned to the others. "Now, ya comin'? Or do I need ta freeze ya too?"

Stealth looked up at Shoria, who was helping Spyro to his paws now. Stealth wrapped her arm around Shoria's shoulders as the three got to their feet.

"We'll come." Stealth answered for the group.

Stealth took one last look at the frozen statue of Kaos. Shoria did too, her eyes filled with sadness. Stealth could tell Shoria had been crying. About what, she had no clue. But she had been crying nonetheless. Stealth put her free, gloved hand on Shoria's shoulder reassuringly. Shoria smiled down at her, despite the circumstances.

Skeleborg watched the doorway to his throne room as Coldfinger paraded through the double doors. Followed by his minions. Some of which were escorting Shoria, Stealth and Spyro. The other one was carrying the frozen body of Kaos.

"So. I see you made the smart decision." Skeleborg held the jar of spirits up as if it were a treasure he was reluctant to let go of, "I practically have Kaos now. After we lock him up, you can have your spirits and my men will escort you out. Just to be sure you don't try to charge right back in after you exit."

Stealth nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But we'll be back. Not right away, but we will. And boy are you gonna wish you had never become immortal." Stealth's voice was a harsh, stone cold whisper.

Shoria looked down at her feet. She clearly didn't agree with Stealth's decision, but she still stayed perfectly silent. Shoria wiped a stray tear off of her cheek and looked away from the others. Just abandoning one of their own, even if they were going to come back later, wasn't right. This wasn't right.

Skeleborg saw the pained look on Shoria's face.

"Do you really believe that Kaos has changed for the better?" He asked, "He has sided with you before, and stabbed you in the back without hesitation. If he does it again, which he most likely will, do you really want to suffer through that?"

Mesmeralda took the frozen form of Kaos from the hench-snowman and shoved it into a confined cage.

"Send them on their way, Skeleborg. We have what we want." She commented.

Skeleborg dipped his head down, then handed the jar to Shoria. "We will see you soon on the battlefield. Until then..."

Shoria took the jar and held it close to her chest, protecting it just in case they tried anything funny. Finally, after a few seconds of glaring daggers at Skeleborg, Coldfinger and his henchmen, the three Skylanders turned and left, followed by the hench-snowmen.

When the Skylanders had finally left, Skeleborg turned towards his comrades.

"We must be ready for when they return."

"How long does that give us?" Monarch asked as she sipped her tea.

"I do not know." Skeleborg admitted. "Do all that you can to prepare us as soon as possible. The weapon. The radar to spread its power all throughout Skylands. And the room to keep you all safe from its effects."

"We're not going to let you down, Skeleborg mate." Wolfgang replied in a determined voice.

If Skeleborg had a visible mouth, he would have been smiling. "I know you won't." Skeleborg turned to face Kaos, who was still frozen solid. "Once the weapon has been tested, Kaos here will be the first to feel its power. We cannot allow opposition. Not at this phase. Skylands will be ours."

Again, guys. Sorry for the short chapter. It just felt good to leave it off on that, very cliff hanger-y, note. Thanks to all of the people helping me write this awesome story. That means you Whisp, Lucarian and Quinn. Without you guys, Skylanders: Second Leaf wouldn't be a thing. Also, big shout out to Whisp for helping with the editing for this chapter! It really means a lot to me. Welp. Time to get back to writing! So long, Poser Masters!
~ Scrape

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