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"So you wish to join us?" Eden looked at me.
"I came to warn you that the LOA and GL are siding together to kill you and raid this base. You're gonna need my help." I looked at the desk.
"Is that it? Just a one time thing?" She tilted her head.
"I'm telling you also I was once part of the L.O.A. Deemas is their leader. I can help you win."
"Whats the cache?" Eden folded her hands on top of each other.
"Your largest prisoner," I pointed at the floor where I standed. "That is my brother. I wish for you to free him if I help you. He's much more dangerous than I am but I am the wanted."
"You two don't look like Brothers." She leaned back on her chair.
"Family isnt about blood. It's those you cherish and care for so deeply. I call him my brother."
"We'll think about it." She stood up with me.
"I need an answer now. Free him and I'll help you. Don't free him and I'll leave you all screwed."
"He'll die too...." She stared up at me.
"He can handle himself. Believe me, He can fight. But I prefer to fight for his freedom."
"Fine... we'll free him if you help us." She shook her head slowly.
"Done." I walked out the room. "When do I start?"
"When they att-" There was a huge boom and she looked out the window. "Now."
I tightened my gloves and slipped my mask on, ready to fight. I jumped all the way down and landed on my feet.
"Jason?!" Sitachi looked at me.
"We're done for." Toshi frowned.
"He's with us." Eden said.
"Dont do anything funny because if you even for a second try anything on me I will kill you." I cracked my finger and my Kakuja formed. "Im siding with you for Juggernaut's freedom."
I ran downstairs to find Juggernaut in a cell.
"Who's there..." I heard a deep voice.
"It's me brother..." I touched his cell.
"I heard you're joining them." He grunted.
"To free you..." I slid my finger across the cell. "For you Brother... G's cover G's. We ride together and die together."
"Amen Brotha." He touched my hand across the cell.
"I will kill the LOA and GL for you." I heard footsteps and turned my head. Some running.
"JASON UP HERE!" It was Rin. She told me to come upstairs. I turned my head to look at Juggernaut one more time before I followed. I stopped to look at the group.
"Ah the VSA's weapon, the killer of this city?" That voice sounded familiar..... Deemas? "Jason Voorhees. Why did you leave us hm?"
"Because I was better off alone..." I cracked my finger.
"You dont look too well. What happened to you?"
"It's me. I'm never well. Even when my stomach is full."
"Jason why...." I saw Bucky. He had a sad face across his face.
"This is nothing personal Bucky..." I sighed.
"Brother Jason..."Jet appeared. "Would Cite want this?"
"Dont mention him.." I cracked my fingers at a time. "Maximus killed him."
"You can still make him proud."
"SHUT UP!" I punched him into the wall and Deemas struck me but I backhanded him away. I was pissed that they talked about Cite... My brother... who died for us..
"Jason you dissapoint us." Deemas threw his blade at me which struck my shoulder. I pulled it out and Jet kicked me in the back. "You could have still been with us and got more than you ever wanted and needed than these lowly lifes."
"I told you," I extended my kagune out. "I am doing this for my brother."
"Which one Jason." Jet fired at me. "Cite or that big monster in the basement?"
"I said don't mention him!" I growled.
"Jason you handle Jet and I'll handle Deemas." Sitachi formed his staff in his hand.
"Got it." I stared at Jet. "Im sorry to do this Jet..."
"Me too Jason.." He activated his thrusters.
"I wanna see what you got Sitachi." Deemas smirked.
"I will show you." Sitachi swung his staff.
Jet rushed at me and kicked me into the wall. I stood up and he fly kicked me once more. On the 5th strike, I caught both his legs and slammed him down. I didn't really pay attention to anyone else, my target is here. He pinned me down and rapidly punched me. I grabbed his head and crushed his helmet slightly before throwing him off me.
"Jason stop!" Bucky threw his shield at me, lodging it into my shoulder blade. I tried to pull it out but Jet thrust kicked me. "You too Jet!"
"Bucky he's on their side we have to put him down!" Jet had stars in the air and sent them all to strike me down. "He's not gonna listen to us!"
"Jet I said stop!" Bucky magnetized his shield back.
"I told you already this is for Juggernaut!" I growled, healing. "I am freeing him with your defeat!"
"Jason we can work something out." Bucky stood there. I looked around to find Deemas gone and I sensed a familiar prescence. I didn't want to find out because I had to focus on Jet.
"Your leader is a coward." I smacked Jet into the wall with my Kagune and swung it at Bucky who sliced it with his shield. "Deemas is supposed to be a fearless assassin... but I guess like Shadow he rather let something go. He's afraid."
"Jason...." Bucky stood his ground. "Look... You don't have to do this."
"Jason don't listen to him." Val appeared.
"JUGGERNAUT IS GONE!" Eden shouted.
"What? Impossible!" Sitachi shouted.
"Jason I'll cover you!" Rin three her spear at Bucky who blocked it with his shield.
"Think about what you're doing Jason..." Bucky said.
"Im going to find Juggernaut..." I ran for downstairs to find him missing. "Juggernaut where are you?!"
"Jason." It was Lizzy. "You again..."
"Little one, I told you if I find you again I will tear you apart."
"I don't remember that." She rolled her eyes.
"I know I didn't really say that." I cracked a finger. "But perhaps maybe you'll know you won't get out of this alive if you try to fight me."
"Thats why Aura is here to help me." She smiled before I felt a blast send me into the wall. I looked down to see a seer in my chest and instead of smoke there was.... light waves? Damn.
"You're not gonna hurt my sister." Aura levitated a light orb in her hand and had a straight expression on her face. My wound healed and I stared with anger.
"Jason you're the one not gonna get out of this." Aura flung a light orb and I ducked. I ran at her and kicked her into the wall. She got up and sighed. "Jason I thought you were strong."
"Believe me you're just being cocky here." I prepared to dash at her but I was stopped by Liz. She scratched my mask and my chest before jumping off. "Oh you little bitch."
"Get him Aura!" Liz shouted before her sister surrounded her arm in light and punched a hole in my chest and sliced my arm off with light. I regrew it but it was slow.
"You ladies are really pushing it." My kakuja formed and I stared up. "Now let's play rough!"
Aura threw her light ball at me which I smacked away with my Kakuja arm and teleported behind her to slam my fist on her head to stun her. Liz jumped on my arm and clawed it. I responded by grabbing her by the throat and holding.
"Let her go!" Aura had her light ball in her hand.
"Why should I?" I slightly tightened my grip. "You are both annoying anyways."
"Please let me go!" Lizzy squeaked. I stared at her dead eyed. Emotionless. I tightened it. Tears fell down her eyes as I tightened a bit more.
"LET HER GO!" Aura ran at me but I smacked her down and stomped my foot on her, pressing against her spine with force. She grunted as I pressed harder and squeezed Lizzy's throat even more.
"Jason! That's enough!" It was a familiar voice. "PLEASE LET THEM GO!"
I turned my head and saw Melanie.

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