Part 2:32

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{soaringgggg flyingggg}. (A/n I've had that song in my head all day Ok😂😭)

Knocks were heard and Faith got up thinking she knew who it was. She swung the door open and didn't even look at the person.

"Go away j-" she looked up and saw Jordan. Somehow he found her address and was stood in front of her door with rain droplets all over his face.

"What are you doing here Jordan." She looked up at him as he was so much taller than her.

Mean while Jack was in his car on the way to Faiths house. He met up with Gabbie and they decided to be friends. But the fans had took it the wrong way. Jack then knew Faith would as well . He lost track of time whilst they were just catching up on things. He didn't forget about the date, it was the only thing on his mind.

He impatiently tapped his finger on the wheel as he cane to a halt at a red light. He needed to see Faith.

"You wouldn't answer any of my texts." Jordan sighed.
"So you flew from the Uk to lA just to see me?" She smiled and laughed.
"Yeah." He shrugged.

"I'm sorry for kissing Millie, we were drunk and decided to play spin the bottle. Carmie started filming us. If he didn't I wouldn't even know I did it." He begged for her to forgive him.

"Please leave Jordan, how did you even get my address."

"Malibu gave it me." He sighed. He then turned around and began to leave.


Jack had finally reached her road but he decided that he was gonna park further up. If Faith saw his car she definitely wouldn't answer the door.

He parked his car and began walking up. A smile plastered on his face hoping she would accept his apology.


As Jordan began walking away, she realised that she loved him. She wanted him.

"Jordan wait!" She yelled and before he exited her drive way he turned around expecting her to make some snide comment.


Jack was four houses away from hers and he noticed a figure stood in her drive way and another stood inside the house but the figure appeared to be leaning on the door frame.


"What Faith! Are you gonna say something like 'have fun with millie' 'hope millie makes you happy' or some shit! Because I don't want Millie I want you!" Jordan yelled at her.

Faith rushed towards him and stepped on her tip toes and grabbed on to his face and connected their lips. He kissed back and butterflies filled both their stomachs.

As Jack got closer, now standing near her neighbours house. He recognised the figures to be Jordan and Faith. They seemed to be screaming at each other. Well Jordan screaming at her.

"I don't want millie I want you!" He yelled. Jack laughed in his head. Faith wanted him not Jordan. Well that's what he thought.

He watched as Faith ran towards Jordan. Everything happened so fast. Them kissing to Jordan then asking her to be his girlfriend, to her then nodding yes and then they shared another kiss.

Jack's heart shattered. Just like hers had done when Faith had seen him and All the girls he's been with over the years. He finally knew how she felt and he hated it.

He forced himself not to cry but he couldn't help it. He watched the new couple laugh then enter Faith house. A tear slipped down his cheek which he then quickly wiped away.

He wished that was him.
His lips.
His laugh.
Him asking her out.
Not Jordan.

He headed back to his car with a broken heart and wished that he would of done things differently.

How to fix a broken heart{3}/WDW• 2 parts Where stories live. Discover now