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This isn't a chapter but I need to talk.

So my school is having a school production because they have one every year. I was gonna audition last year but I decided not to. This year they're doing 'into the woods'

I've put my name down on the audition list thing but I'm nervous lol. I'm auditioning for the roll of Cinderella and my audition is on the 3rd October.

I have one minutes singing and one minute acting.

It can be any song (I'm singing ocean eyes by billie eilish I think.)
And any scene from any movie (not sure what scene or what movie I'm doing but yeah)

Teachers from my old school said that I had an amazing singing voice and so has everyone who's heard me sing. I'm ok at acting from what I've been told but idk.

I personally don't think my voice is as good as what people say it is. I think my voice is bearable. It's not one of those where you just can't listen to it at all lol. It's ok.

My singing teacher said she got chills when I sang hostage by billie eilish (of course) so that kinda made me feel better about my voice? Idk.

As far as acting goes.....I'm not the best. I mean I can act.. sorta but it takes like ten million times for me not to laugh. Me and my friend had to film this commercial thing and we had to act in it. We had to shoot it about twenty times (we counted) before I could stop laughing.

And also, I'm not a shy person in class I wouldn't say, or like when talking to people I'm not. But with things like singing,acting and dancing it just makes me nervous. Because I don't care what people think about me personality wise. But I kinda care what people think of me 'talent' wise.

Anyway, thanks if you actually read this lol. Bye .

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