Part 2: 2

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{I miss you more than I thought I would}

"Faith James" the guard had hold of Faiths forearm and walked her to the person taking her home.
"Faith" Daniel mumbled and he ran to her and the guard let go of Faith and she ran to Daniel and the two shared a long loving hug. He kissed the top of her head and they released from the hug.

"Lets get you home." Daniel smiled and Faith nodded. He grabbed wash bag which is all she had and the two went into Daniels car. Faith was so happy to hear that him and Malibu had children of their own. He told her about the unfortunate break up of Jonah and Tate but Faith was glad to hear they stayed as friends. Faith was told about the five year old Lilly Besson and faith explained how she was excited to meet the children.

"Oh and Gabbie and jack are back together."
"Do they have children?."
"Nope. Gabbie has two children but they are not jack's but they call jack dad." Daniel explained.
"Oh." She simply said .

"Here we are!" Daniel exclaimed shortly after.
The two walked into the old house. The sound of cartoons echoed through out the house and faith noticed the four children sat with their eyes glued to the television.

Malibu was at the kitchen fingertips attached to her computer.
"Babe look who's here" Daniel said excitedly. Malibu stopped typing and looked up, her jaw dropped and she rushed over to Faith.
"I missed you so much!" She shouted and faith giggled.

"Mommy what happened?" A small boy with crystal blue eyes and brown hair, a spitting image of Daniel spoke.
"Oh nothing josh it's just your auntie Faith who we haven't seen in a very long time." Malibu smiled.

"Hi awntie Faith I Josh." The boy smiled.
"Nice to meet you josh." Faith smiled.
"And I'm harmony!" A small girl with shoulder length wavy back hair stated. Faith noticed her beautiful dark green eyes.
"I love that name." Faith said to the small girl who then started giggling.

"Daddy sam asleep!" Kelsey said. She had a small bob hair cut that stopped under her ears and she had blue and green eyes and a tooth gap.
"I'll take him to bed. You have to be quiet because sam might wake up." Daniel explained and Kelsey drew across her lips with her fingertips and kept her mouth shut.

Daniel laughed and picked sam up and disappeared upstairs. He soon came back down the steps and the three kids hassled him to pay attention to them.

"Ok daddy will take you three to the park ok?" Malibu said and the three nodded and then Malibu and Faith placed the shoes on the children and Daniel left the house with the three kids.

Faith got showed to her old room and memories filled her head. Malibu left her alone and Faith sat at the edge of her bed. She noticed a picture on the bed side table. It was her and jack. Jack's lips were attached to her head and a smile was shown on Faith face. As Faith stared at the photo a tear streamed down her face, knowing that he doesn't want her anymore.

"Why did you have to loose feelings for me?" She sobbed quietly.
"I love you bubba." She mumbled and stroked  her thumb on the picture.

How to fix a broken heart{3}/WDW• 2 parts Where stories live. Discover now