Part 2: 23

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{we were just kids when we fell in love}

"Do you want to come the park with us Faith?" Daniel asked Faith as she concealed her very heavy eye bags.

"Of course." Faith smiled.

Daniel Faith and the four Seavey children were waking to the pair. Daniel was ahead with Harmony and Josh and Faith was with Kelsey and Sam.

"Awntie Faith?" Sam asked.
"Yes?" She looked down at the brown haired boy.
"Are you and uncle Jack Love?" Kelsey jumped in front of him.

"Love?" She was very confused.
"Yeah, Do you kiss him?" Sam laughed and the two children made kissy faces which made Faith laugh.

"Nope. Me and Jack are very good friends." Faith laughed.
"But mummy told me her and daddy were very good friends before the became love." Kelsey said before crouching down and picking up a daisy from the grass.

"Well that's your mummy and daddy, maybe me and Jack are meant to be just good friend." She laughed.
"Nope you are love." Sam laughed.

"Come on kids we are at the park!" Daniel yelled and the two joined their siblings. Faith laughed slightly at the children and Daniel turned around and smirked but then bursted out laughing because he heard the conversation between his kids and Faith.

"They might be right." Daniel chuckled.
"Three year olds are smarter than you think." He added.

How to fix a broken heart{3}/WDW• 2 parts Where stories live. Discover now