Part 2:14

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{don't stop your crying it's the sign of the times}

"Gotta go faith bye miss and love you." Olivia beamed at the camera. It was midnight for liv but she still managed to look pretty.

"Love you too." Faith giggled. The face time call ended and faith placed her phone in her Jena pocket.

"Come onnn we're going out." Jordan grabbed Faiths hand and they went to Millie's car. Carmie sat in the passengers seat and Jordan, Faith and lewys sat in the back. The radio was full blast but Faith felt a vibration from her pocket. Someone was ringing her.

She pulled out her phone and looked at the contact name. "Why would he be calling me." Faith asked herself. She let the phone call go to voice mail.

(1 missed call from 'jack')

They arrived at Costco and were allowed in since carmie's dad owns a business and the only way to get into Costco is if you have a card, which Carmie did.

They got out the car and Jordan laced his and Faiths hands together and a small smile creeped onto her face.


586,000 likesGoing Costco with my girl Fan28: obsessed with you two😻Touchdalight: I'm his girl guys #sorrynotsorry 🤪Faithjamesxox: my love for youuu 😻

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Going Costco with my girl
Fan28: obsessed with you two😻
Touchdalight: I'm his girl guys #sorrynotsorry 🤪
Faithjamesxox: my love for youuu 😻

"You're cute." Faith chuckled as she doubled tapped Jordan's photo.
"You're cuter." He shrugged and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

The group were only in Costco for the time span of ten minutes and their cart was full of different things.
•20 pack of gum
•huge teddy bear

the list piled up and eventually each person came out of Costco with at least two bags each. The five got back into the car and dropped lewys of at his house.

"Byeeeee!" Lewys screamed and Faith shook her head laughing. Millie dropped Carmie, Faith and Jordan off and Jordan and carmies house. (A/n in the story they live together)

Jordan carried Faiths bags for her as well as his own. They said goodbye to Millie and Faith unlocked the house door. They walked in the house and dropped the bags on the kitchen counter.

"I'm so tired omg." Faith complained.
"We're going to get Chinese food in a minute" Carmie reminded Faith who let out a huge sigh.
"Ughhh" She complained and Jordan and Carmie just laughed at her. The silence was replaced with the sound of faiths phone ringing. She looked at the contact name and sighed dramatically. She put her phone on silent and let the call go to answer phone once again.

(2 missed calls from 'jack')

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