"Ana...Did he tell you how far it was?" She asked, squirming next to me as she shifted uncomfortably.

"He said a full day's drive. I'd say we're about halfway by now." I said quietly, understanding why she was asking as I shifted myself.

She squirmed twice more before I heard a soft voice to my right of an older female. "Go ahead sweetie. No one will judge you here. We're all going to have to before the ride's over. It's unavoidable."

I heard her pat Braelyn's hand softly before leaning away. Braelyn whimpered and suddenly stopped squirming. I could easily smell fresh urine filling the air around me and I instinctively leaned away from her, giving her a little space. I knew she was humiliated, but it couldn't be avoided. I wasn't ready to give in, but I understood how so many had. She cried softly against my shoulder, my hand gently stroking against hers as I tried to comfort her. But there were no words to give her. None that would make it better or take any of the panic away from her.

Several more hours went by and the pain in my abdomen had become so bad that I was panting. I felt Braelyn's hand gently squeeze mine as she leaned away from me. I couldn't wait any longer. I couldn't put off the humiliation for another second or I thought I might explode. I finally surrendered and instantly felt the relief I'd been desperate for for hours now as the warm liquid filled the floor beneath my legs. I let a tear fall from my eyes as I sat, waiting for whoever knew how much longer for this part of our hell to be over. But it had only begun. I let the shame and disgust fill me before it was replaced with a deep hatred. Hatred for Kyran agreeing to give us away, for Zane having to take another as his mate, and for Braelyn who was too young to have to endure any of this yet.

Within another hour and a half we'd come to a slower pace before stopping all together. We'd finally made it. The door suddenly opened and the two large males' noses crinkled in distaste from the smell. Everyone inside began to climb out of the truck, a deathly silence surrounding us as each of us made our way out of the filthy truck. Only the sounds of clinking chains could be heard.

They placed us in a single file line and attached us to one another as we walked forward into a towering castle, slightly larger than the one I'd lived most of my life in. The grey stone face loomed over us as we trudged through the large doors and were lead down a side hall, winding around a darker one before stopping in front of a humid wash room.

"Get them cleaned and prepared to present to the King. They're filthy." The larger of the males barked as we were shoved into the room. The female and male nodded before calling their attendants forward, helping each of us unchain and undress as we were thoroughly scrubbed, my skin feeling raw as they finished. Our clothes were tossed aside, leaving only our collars as they replaced the chains back onto our wrists and ankles and attaching them as before.

My eyes widened as we were lead out of the room and down the long hall, back into a lighter curving hallway before we were pulled through two large wooden doors. We passed vampires and slaves alike, all watching us as we walked. I realized that most of the slaves stood naked, wearing only their collars. Some even wore leashes being lead by their masters.

What is this place? How could we have ended up here?

My mind reeled as we were lead to the front of large room filled with stone columns as they lead to looming archways littering the ceiling. It was dimly lit by the small windows lining the side of the room with large metal chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling.

In front of us sat several large ornately carved chairs to the left of a long wooden table. Sitting in the largest center chair sat a lean muscular male. He wore a leather jacket, zipped halfway down to reveal his rippling abs beneath. He sat straight, his movements slow and regal, exuding authority as he stood and began to slowly walk down the line of slaves standing before him. King Maddox.

"Your highness, these are the new slaves brought with King Kyran's delivery as requested." One of the males said plainly. 

Maddox slowly walked down the line, stopping in front of a few as he eyed the new additions to his household. "How many?" He asked lowly.

"Twenty-five your majesty."

"Hmm. And how many from Isla's maidens are here?" He asked thoughtfully as he stepped back to look at the group.

The male cleared his throat and barked at us, "Queen's maidens, step forward!"

Six of us stepped in front of the line, including myself and Braelyn. I didn't dare look at who else stood around me. My eyes remained locked onto the floor at my feet. Trying to forget my nakedness as I heard Braelyn struggling to reign her trembling body in. 

Maddox stepped in front of the others before hovering between Braelyn and myself. "How old is this one?" He asked, looking at Braelyn. 

"I'm not sure your majesty." the male answered.

Maddox stepped closer and tugger her chin up. I could hear her breath coming out in shaking waves as she stood frozen. "Look at me girl." He said firmly. "How old are you?"

"F-fourteen sire." 

"So young. So pure." He hummed as he released her. He stepped closer to me and I could feel his eyes raking down my bare figure.

"That one's used." the male said quietly. "One owner for a short time."

Maddox click his tongue and stepped to stand only an inch or two away from me. He leaned forward, his nose brushing against my skin as he inhaled my scent. "She's marked too I see." He said as he came to the crook of my neck. "She is the one taken from the Prince yes?"

The male confirmed and I heard Maddox chuckle lowly. "Well, well. I can see what all the fuss was about. You're stunning. Look at me." 

My eyes snapped up to meet his and my jaw dropped. His eyes were an intense forest green, speckled with dark hunter green specks. They seemed to stare within me as they bore into my own. I felt the urge to look away, but I quickly closed my jaw and held his gaze, pulling on the thin string of strength I held on to. 

"Don't worry dear. I'll help you to forget him." He whispered, his warm breath fanning across my neck as he leaned closer to the mark. 

My nose wrinkled for only a moment and I immediately controlled my response. I had to get back to what I'd been taught. I couldn't let him see my reactions. I had to control my body, my reactions. I wasn't home anymore. I wasn't with Zane. 

He stepped away and nodded toward me and then another brunette standing out with us before landing last at Braelyn before walking out of the room. My eyes widened as the guards lead us in a separate direction from the others as they filed through a door in the back of the room. We'd been separated for the King. We belonged to him now. 

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