The Final

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We had just started going back to work, when I was told to stay at home because I was so close to having the baby. Sonny was almost more excited then me. It was long before I started having more signs. So I packed our hospital bags waiting for the day.

Holding my stomach in the middle of night I woke up with cramps. I stood out of bed taking in a deep breath I've been getting Braxton Hicks contractions for a couple days. Meaning the baby was coming soon. I moved to the kitchen in our apartment taking another deep breath as another contraction came along. I gripped the counter as another comes along. This time accompanied by a wetness in between my legs.

"Sonny!" I yell, looking at the clock 1:26am. "Sonny!"

"What is it?" He comes out of the bedroom. Looking at me behind the counter.

"My water broke." I state,"We need to go to the hospital."  He doesn't say anything grabbing a shirt he throws it on and grabbing our bags he ushered me out of the house, and into the car. Rushing me to the hospital. We get there at 1:45am. I'm put in a room Sonny next to me.

"It hurt's," I whine as another contraction comes.

"Do you went a epidural?" The doctor asks.

"Yes," I groan they go and get the shot ready waiting for me to be the right dilatation before I could start pushing. It was a long night Finally Caterina Casiri was born at 7:54am. I was cleaned up and handed a 7lb 20in little girl. Instantly I was in love looking at this little girl tears formed in my eyes. Looking to Sonny," She is a angel."

"She is beautiful," Sonny states. Kissing my forehead as Caterina starts nursing.  It was about 9am when the their was a knock on the door. Sonny handed me a sleeping Caterina. The crew from SVU came in.  With gifts for us.

"Can I see her?" Amanda asked holding her arms out. I hand her a sleeping Caterina. "She has that newborn smell. She looks like you Grace thank goodness."

"Hey," Sonny exclaims as I giggle. Caterina gets passed around the room quietly and she sleeps through the whole circle.

Month's have gone by and I decided not to go back to work. Becoming a stay at home mom, Sonny didn't mind. I sat on the floor as Caterina tried to walk stumbling and falling using the table to pull herself back up.

"You can do it Cat," She takes about ten steps to me before falling into my grip. "Yay!" I lift her into the air you did it. "Daddy is going to be home soon. We have a surprise for him." I say changing her outfit. I hear keys in the door. I look to the door smiling.

"There is my girls!" Sonny said as I stood. Cat on my hip. Sonny kisses  my forehead.

"We got to show you something," I say," Sit." I point to the floor. Sonny sits I set Cat down."Get Daddy." Cat walks over to Sonny clumsily but makes it.

"Wow!" Sonny says." Good job." He kisses Caterina on the head.

"Like her new shirt?" I ask. Sonny looks down at it.

"No," He looks to me." Are you playing a prank." I shake my head no at him. "Your pregnant again?" He asks getting excited.

"Well, how else would she be the a big sister." I giggle  as he stands up with Caterina. He kisses me roughly smiling as he pulled away.

A few years later. We now lived in a town house Caterina was 10 in fifth grade. Dominick the 3rd is in Fourth grade and the twins Elijah & Isaiahwhere just turning 3.  We where doing good I had become a great housewife feeling like a full time job when you have four small kids, but Sonny never failed to come home and give me a break if needed. He always wanted a large family and I have too. Now we had four wonderful children the twins identical and looked just like Sonny. Dominick had my eyes and nose but was built tall and lean like his father. Caterina was my twin basically.  I sigh watching the kids play outback as I wash dishes. When I feel hands on my hips.

"The kids are busy," Sonny voice in my ear as he kissed my neck." How about we try for the fifth?"

"Sonny," I giggle." You know I would love to have one more, but as soon as we disappear. They are going to come looking."

"Five minutes?" He asked.

"Five minutes," And just like the begging of the relationship we rushed upstairs. That's where we are now me holding little baby Hannah.

(I had more I wanted to do with this story, but I lost my passion for writing it and I couldn't not end this story for you guys. So Here I still got the main points across just over less chapters. It was coming to a close anyway. So thank you for reading! I love all of you. )

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