Smitten part 19

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"You are awfully smitten today?" Amanda states. Looking to her then Sonny then down to my  hand."No," she gasped."Let me see!" I give her my hand.
"Whats with all the commotion?" Fin looks up. Seeing Amanda looking at the ring. "Well congrats to you and Carisi." He smiles going back to work.
"Thanks couldn't let a catch like her get away." Sonny smiles that half crooked smile.
"What did you pop the qeustion?" Dodds asks as he hangs his coat up.
"Yes I did," Sonny looks to Dodds before I go and sit at my desk.
"What is with all the chitchat?" Liv comes in headed to her office.
"Soon you'll have two detective Carisi's." Amamda laughs.
"Oh really as if one wasn't bad enough." Liv laughs,"But congrats you two." She goes into her office. The day went by as normal as a day could in SVU. Except everyone making comments about my engagement to Sonny. It didn't bother me because that just meant I'd be with the love of my life forever.
It's been a few days and I was begining planning for the wedding who knew it was so difficult to plan a wedding.
"Sonny," I sigh plomping on the couch next to him.
"Yes?" He asks.
"I know how much your faith matters to you. Lets have the wedding at your chruch." I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Really? You do know that means you must convert to Catholic."  He asks softly brushing hair out of my face.
"Sonny thats fine... it doesn't matter to me we could go elope. I just want to spend my life with you."
"Really?" He says." My mother is going to love you even more." He kisses my forehead. I look up at him kissing him on the lips. He places his hand on my neck bringing my face closer. Soon he was leaning me back onto the  couch kissing my neck and  collar bone. I pulled his face back to mine and we kissed. I ran my hand  through his hair wrapping my legs around his waist. He locked his finger into my belt buckle.As he proceeds to lift my shirt above my head. Then he trails my chest and stomachs with kissing before removing my pants. He kisses my thigh before moving in between  my legs. "Sonny!" I let out a moan. He was magician with his mouth. He had my wringling underneath him before I melted into his arms. "I love you," my breath hitched as he came up to kiss me.
"I love you too." He breath tickled my ear as he kissed my neck just under the lobe of my ear.

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