Intimidation Game Part 8

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It's been a few weeks and I was starting to go back to work.  I have come to cope with this very well.  Him being in jail was what made it easier. I was still a little jumpy around unknown men. I also wouldn't go anywhere at night without someone else. Even if I didn't feel that way Sonny wouldn't have it any other way. I had moved in with him no reason to pay on a apartment when I basically live at Sonny's. I put a bunch of stuff in storage like my bed, etc.  I was going back to work tomorrow.  I discussed it with Liv I am ready. Sonny and Fin,  wanted to go to a game convention Amanda and me decided to join. Sonny and Fin where playing this game while Amanda and I watched. 

"Damn it," Fin died I smirked along with everyone else,"Stupid camper."

"What's a camper?" Amanda asks.

"Lazy creep who hides behind stuff. Don't engage wait for you to run by and shoot you in the back they are pieces of crap." Fin states. The little boy across from Fin shots at him with his finger. "Enjoy the tournament."  Fin sets the control down as we walk off.

"This is awesome,This better then comic con." Sonny states looking at a cosplayer.

"Really?" I lift a eyebrow.

"Wait to you see the main event the team practices eight hours a day. They are not noobs." Fin points to the tv.

"Noobs?" Amanda asks.

"Short for Newbies." Fin answers.

"Oh yeah its much shorter." Sonny adds jokingly.

"Over grown boys, Staring a screen pressing buttons. Isn't there a basket ball game on or something?"Amanda says as we pass some guys yelling at the screen.

"You've seen the Nick's lately." Fin teases.

"Hold there's that kid Leslie. He's the one that babysat for the kids." I state pointing.

"The two girls that stabbed their little sister." Sonny adds.

"Okay he is the guy that drew all those Glasgow man pictures." Fin adds.

"He is turning it into a video game now." Sonny asks looking at the stuff hanging around.

"Hey Leslie." Amanda calls out "Little to soon don't you think?"

"The developers came to me they where going to make it either way." He states,"Wanna give it a try virtual reality."

"I'm good," Amanda says. We where watching some thing on this big screen with a commentator. When Leslie runs up.

"Detectives my coworker said someone is in trouble in the lady's room." He stated Sonny and Fin where not paying attention. Me and Amanda where trying to but it is loud. We run to the ladies room.  

"You okay?" I ask helping her up.

"Yeah," She states.

"It's okay we are police officers." Amanda adds.

"These guys just can't stand women in gaming." She states.

"What did they do to you?" I ask.

"They leveled up." She states she had blood coming out of her mouth. I look to Amanda concerned. I leave Amanda to go get the boys. Sonny wouldn't listen to me. So I grab his arm. I inform them of what happen and we go back to the bathroom. We where back at the office the girl was sat in a chair. I went and got her some water. Before heading into Livs office. 

"Okay, this was attacked at what again?"

"IVL Finals. The international video game league."

"It's like March Madness but for video games." Amanda adds.

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