Coffee Part 15

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"Hey, Sonny!" I called out to him as he is about to walk into the integration room. " I'm headed to the cafe is there anything you want?"
"Yeah can you get me my regular." He answers turning walking backwards.
"Hey can you get me one too. Just a regular coffee cream and sugar." Dodds calls out I nod. I grab my purse and head out of the office about two blocks away is a small little cafe. Barely even noticeable that serves the best coffee. Sonny introduced it to me a few months after I first got here. I get there ordering myself a medium caramel macchiato extra foam hot. Dods a medium regular coffee with just cream and sugar. And Sonny his coffee has two sugars one cream medium. I also order me and Sonny's usual sandwiches. Paying I walk out of the Cafe holding my tray of coffee and plastic bag. I headed back towards the office. Walking back into the office I set mine and Sonny's food and drink on our desks. I walk over to Dodds handing him his coffee.
"So got a answer yet?" He asked.
"For?" Trying to get him to ask again.
"My qeustion earlier."He states.
"Ummm..." I try to come up with a answer.
"Grace, " I hear Sonny call smiling I turn walking over to Sonny to see what he wanted. "This is yours," he hands me. The coffee in his hand taking a sip yup accidentally gave Sonny my macchiato oops.
Later that day Sonny and Dodds had went to go meet with Savannah. I haven't seen Amanda since she left for lunch. Sonny and Dodds came back with a pimp questioning him DNA came back Antoine raped her and Rollins and Finn were in the office with Liv I could tell Amanda was in trouble. Dodds walked into the office as well. About half an hour went by and Amanda's mother was in again they closed the door. I didn't pay much mind to it until somebody came running out. I joined them for the car ride as they explained on the way there that the perp was Amanda sister. We sped through the streets to Amanda's apartment. Jumping out of the cars to grab Amanda sister handcuffing her. I jog over with Amanda.
"Manda you set me up" Kim whined. "Kim you okay?" Amanda asked.
" Yes, but he's not it was self-defense," Kim exclaimed I'm going up Amanda started Forward.
"No, you shouldn't even be here," Liv stopped her "as of now you are accused of the case!" Liv sent Finn and Sonny up to Amanda's apartment. "You always got to be the good girl don't you! Why can't you just let me live my life!" Kim hollered.
"I advise you to stop talking ," Liv said back at the station they had already had Kim in holding. I grabbed my things and Sonny's he was going to meet me at our apartment.
"Hey," Dodds Stopped me at the elevator.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Did you want to get some coffee?" Dodds asked.
"Yeah sure, " It's cold I had a long walk at the cafe he paid refuse to let me he said it because I  had bought him one earlier. We walked for quite a bit before stopping at his street.
"This is my turn, you good to walk the rest of the way?" He asks.
"Yes, thanks for the coffee I'll see you tomorrow." I smile turning to walk the rest of the way home. Walking in I see Sonny walking into the bathroom a fresh towel thrown over his shoulder. Walking over to the bathroom door. I stop him from closing the door.
"Can I join you handsome?" I firmly but gently grab his tie pulling him closer to me. Kissing him roughly before pulling away.
"How can I turn down such a beautiful lady." His lip curling up in that onesided smirk.

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