Decaying Morality Part 6

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Sonny and me where sat in front of his television watching The Hangover. It's been slow at work the last few weeks. So we have had quiet nights with no worry, and this is how Sonny and I have chose to spend them. Cuddle up on the couch watching movies and eating popcorn and take out. I will never understand his weird pizza. I tried, I really did... I just couldn't. I had fuzzy pants on and a long sleeve shirt that was Sonny's. My feet where bare and pulled up behind me on the couch as I leaned onto Sonny his arm was around my shoulders the other resting on the couch arm. He was in sweats and a T-Shirt. I yawn nuzzling into Sonny dozing off. I woke when sunlight hit my face. I cover my eyes I was in Sonny's bed. He must of carried me in hear. I sit up slowly stretching. Slipping out of the bed my feet hit the wooden floor.

"Sonny?" I call out softly. Going into the main room, he was dressed and drinking coffee.

"Morning beautiful," He smiles leaning against the counter.

"Good morning," I walk over he hands me a cup of coffee. I gently blow on it before taking a sip. "Did you carry me to bed?"

"Well I wasn't going to let you sleep on the couch," He smiles at me.

"Well ain't that sweet." I finish my coffee. I lean up to him kissing him. I smile pulling away slightly. "Well, I need to get dressed. See you in a few?"

"Of course," He turns to me as I walk out. I head upstairs to my apartment getting dressed for work. Walking downstairs Sonny was waiting for me at the bottom of the steps.

"You ready Grace?" He asked as I got to the bottom step.

"I just need you to hold something for me," I say. He puts his hand out to the fist I had made. I grab his hand.

"Well aren't you cute." He laughs at my childish behavior. I just put on a big cheesy grin as we leave. We get into the office to find out last night Liv and Amanda had run into a incident where a girl claimed rape. We had the supposed rapist in custody unsure of the facts. Waiting on DNA results and witness results.

Liv and Amanda went to the hospital. Sonny and Nick got to interrogate the guy. I watched taking notes of anything of importance.

"You're making a mistake." The man said as Sonny and Nick ushered him into the interrogation room.

"Are we?" Nick asked." A Sergeant and a Detective witnessed you assaulting this girl."

"I wasn't assaulting her I was trying to help her." The man state his voice shaky.

"Help her? Then why is she accusing you of rape?"Sonny asked cynically.

"She was out of her mind, She was drugged or drunk. I don't know!" The man was clearly upset.

"So you call 911. We have witnesses say they saw you go into the bathroom after her," Sonny interrupts.

"That's because I had customers waiting in line. Look I didn't touch that girl," he stated his tone was matter of factually. "Look I know all you cops hate me, but this ain't right."

"Look, no offense we don't even know you." Nick shakes his head.

"Now, you're messing with me. Look I know my rights." The guy said.

Fin opened the door,"Fellows."

"This police harassment!" The guy stood up abruptly. Sonny puts his hand up, along with Fin.

"Look just sit down, sir." Fin says the guys sits down taking a couple puffs of his inhaler.

"What the hell was that?" Sonny asked.

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