Patton Part 4

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I was sitting at the winter conference as the Alanta sergeant Patton. Took the credit for the case he sat on for six years. I was done with it after the meeting I came for Amanda, but I told her I was leaving. The next day at the office I was sitting at my desk. "Hey, Grace?" I look to Nick. " What's Amanda's deal with these guys?"
"Ask her,"I point to the opening door as she walks in. Fin answered the phone and before Nick could ask Amanda.
"Bad news, there was a hotel rape last night and the vic was that young dective." He states. They headed out I began filing paper work. Turns out Patton was being accused of rape. Amanda was very upset about it and it kinda made me supcious. I had a doctors appointment so I missed the interveiw of Patton. I was coming back when Amanda was in a hurry to leave.
"Amanda," I call out to her.
"Just leave me alone."She runs out.
"Grace come here," Olivia calls
I nod walking over into her office.
"Yes?" I smile.
"Tell us what you know about Patton." Olivia states.
"Well, I know he has a way to make anyone believe him. Everyone back home does anyway. He is charming political man. Sometimes he can be a little flirtatious. But he is happily married." I finish.
"Anything off putting?"Olivia asks.
"Sometimes he can be a little bit of a hard ass when he wants something done. But beside that nothing I've ever seen." I look to Olivia who nods.
"Okay, thank you." She let's me leave.
Rollins admitted off the book that Patton forced her. So we arrested him. It was time for the hearing and I wasn't able to make it. The next day I made it to the  hearing. Patton was putting on a sobe show. Barba would get him though. But Patton started having a symptoms of a heart attack. Turned out to be and anxiety attack. In the end Patton. Plead guilty to the rape. He got no jail time but he will be on the regeristy.

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