The Reception Part 24

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The wedding party was standing outside of the reception hall waiting to be announced. I looked at my now husband and smiled.

"What?" He asked softly pulling me into him kissing my temple.

"Your stuck with me now," I chuckle teasing him."No refunds," I whisper kissing his cheek.

"I think you're the one who got the short end of the stick." He rests his forehead on mine. I chuckle as pair by pair the bridal party goes in. Until finally it is our turn.
"Now, I like to introduce you to Mr. And Mrs. Carisi." Sonny guides me in hand on my back. As people cheered I leaned into Sonny. He stops me on The dance floor, pulling me to face him. As Elvis Presley Can't Help Falling in Love With You starts playing. Sonny gently pulls me to him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen now for the lovely's couple first dance." The DJ says as Sonny holds me softly to him and we sway around the dance floor.

"Sonny," I look up pressing my lips softly to his momentarily. "I love you, so much." I smile as I pulled away softly.

"I love you too, Mrs. Carisi." He smirks at me. Resting my head on his chest.

"I'll never get tired of that." I nuzzled into his chest. As the song came to it's end Sonny's mother stood as the DJ announced there dance. My Wish began to play by Rascal Flats. I smile watching Sonny's mom kiss his cheek. As the dance Gracefully around the dance floor. His mother was so happy smiling and chuckling at Sonny. I smile sitting at my seat in the middle of the bridal party. Now it was my turn with my father. I meet my dad on the dance floor Daddy's Little Angel by T Carter starts.

"I'm proud of you honey," My dad says softly into my ear. "He is a good man. I couldn't of picked someone better."

"Dad," I smile tears welling in my eyes.

"Now don't cry." He wipes a tear from my eye as we sway to the music." You look to beautiful to cry. You get your looks from your mother thankfully." I chuckle at him. "I only have you for a few more moments. So, don't let your old man ruin your night by making you cry." I nod at him as the song ends. Walking over to the table as they bring everyone's food out. They sat chicken and asparagus down in front of me. Sonny had gotten Steak with green beans. I hear the clink of glass looking to see Tommy with a mic.

"Okay, So I am Tommy Sonny's brother in law for those of you who don't know me. Even though we haven't always gotten along Sonny has asked me to be his best man. So That has come with the fact I needed to write a speech. Let's start with Sonny. He is a very caring individual and is the only brother of four sisters. One happens to be my loving wife. Sonny has made it very clear that he is going to protect those he cares about. I see that loving protective aspect amplified by ten when it comes to Grace. The looks he has gave her since the moment I met her. I knew she was going to join the family. I am so happy they found each other. So here is to you Sonny and Grace." Tommy raises his glass. "Now, I am sure the maid of honor is waiting for her turn." He hands Amanda the mic.

"Wow, I thought I was prepared, but how do you put a lifetime into one speech. I am Amanda for those of you who don't know, I've know Grace since we could barely walk, and Sonny well we work together. I've watched Grace through all her relationships. I knew this one was different once I finally accepted her being with Sonny. They had kept it secret from us at the office for a while. I found out by walking into her apartment to find them two tangled up like teenagers at a make out party. I was so mad at my friend for dating the weird new guy. We fought about it I thought she could do better. I didn't know Sonny and will he is a little eccentric. But after I got to know Sonny I found him to be a wonderful person. I couldn't have picked a more prefect match for Grace. They fit together like a puzzle piece. I've seen them both grow together and I've never seen Grace this happy in her life. And Sonny even though you have taken my best friend, I couldn't be happier because it is you. I just want to say thank you for being everything Grace has ever wished for and treating her so well. It my pleasure to announce to everyone the newly weds Mr and Mrs. Carisi, Please raise your glasses and toast with me to there future happiness to Grace and Sonny." Amanda raises her glass. I stand hugging her after we clink glasses. I sip on my water. She hugs Sonny before we all sit back down to enjoy dinner.

"Okay so before we get to dancing we had passed out a questionnaire so you could play along. Sonny's sisters have made this game for the bride and groom some of you might know it. It's the shoe game." The DJ pulls two chairs out placing the back to back. Gesturing for us to sit he takes on of each of our shoes and switches them so now I have one of mine and one of Sonny's shoes."So raise the shoe that is the right answer, So like example who is the bride." We both raise my blue heel. "Who is the groom." We both raise Sonny's shoe.

"So lets get started. First question is when you guys first met who made the first move?" I raise my heal instantly thinking back to when I kissed Sonny drunk. Sonny raised my heel as well.

"Who is the better driver?" I raise Sonny's shoe and he agreed as well.

"Who study the hardest in school?" I raise Sonny's shoe and he raised his as well.

"Who is better a keeping secrets." I raise my heel Sonny raised his shoe.

"Who is the bigger baby when they are sick?" I raise Sonny's he agrees.

"Who is more likely to wake up grumpy?" I raise my heel and he agrees.

"Who's the better kisser?" We both raise my shoe.

"Who's the better drunk dancer?" I raise Sonny's and he raises mine.

"Who has the crazier family?" I raise my heel and he raises his shoe.

"Who said I love you first," I raise Sonny's shoe and so did he.

"Well that is it everyone enjoy the music and have fun," The DJ starts Music people begin dancing. I sat with Sonny resting my head on his shoulder. My hand resting on my stomach. Sonny wraps a arm around me as he talks to some guests. I zone out thinking about today and how it just feels like a big dream. It was getting late When the DJ spoke again. "Okay, everyone it's time for the bouquet and garter toss. We will stop with the bouquet." I stand my back to the crowd I throw the bouquet Sonny's sister Theresa catches it. They bring a chair out and Sonny kneels in front of me sliding his hands up my dress grabbing my garter and tosses it only for it to land on Rafael as he walked by. I giggle as he hands it to someone else. Finally time for the cake I stood next to Sonny as he picks up the knife. I hold the knife with him as we cute the pulling the slice out placing it on the plate we gently feed each other some, I couldn't resist pushing the cake into him slightly causing the icing to smear on his face. He returns the favor before adding a extra dot of icing on my nose.

Finally the night was over we where headed back to our apartment we head to our honeymoon tomorrow morning.

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