Faint Part 16

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The next time I saw Kim was in court, since I've been running a lot of errands for the office lately. Amanda's sister pleaded not guilty and is proceeding to a full trial. So we were sat in the hall discussing it when Amanda went to go talk to her mother. We watched as Amanda and her mother fought Amanda didn't look so good physically.
"Manda you okay?" I jogged over to her.
"Yeah," She states as Sonny and Fin came over as well. She begins to fall I grab her and so does Sonny. I let Fin take my spot helping her. Sonny and Finn went to the ER with her and waited. I've had to go back to the office to finish paperwork for the trial. I much rather have been with my friend in the ER, but without this paperwork the trial could not go through. I was just finishing up it was now nine o'clock.
"Still here?" I look up to see Dodds.
"Yeah," I yawn cleaning up my things.
"Want to get something to eat I know its late, but I noticed you skipped lunch." He smiles sitting in a chair near my desk leaning back.
"I'm not hungry," I say. He stays for a little. "Aren't you going to get food?"
"When I convice you to eat something dont need you passing out too." He leans forward resting his arms on his legs. My phone goes off looking to see a text from Sonny.
Sonny: Hey, you still at the office? If you are will you walk the rest of the way home with me.
Me: Of course.
"Well I am leaving I promise no fainting." I laugh walking to the elevator. I leave the building seeing Sonny walking towards the office. I smile wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him. Pulling away I smile at him.
"How is she?" I ask Sonny.
"Good just blood pressure, they are keeping her overnight just in case." Sonny answered kissing my head. I hear the station doors shut. I look seeing Dodds he nods walking off. Taking Sonny's hand we walk towards home.

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