Anveisary part 17

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It was after work Sonny had a suprise for me for our 2 year anveisary.  We where walking in central park. The leaves have changed color oranges, yellows, browns, and small hints of green. We walked next to the black metal fence the water glistening with the  from the trees. A few leafs floated in the water along with a dozen of geese. I loved this time of year the changes of colors the smell, the holidays... everything. I leaned slightly over the railing watching the geese. Feeling Sonny's hand on the small of my back tracing circles as he joined me againist the rail. He moved his hand from my back to my hip slightly pulling me into him kissing my temple. Moments this queit and peaceful are wonderful especially with Sonny. I smile as the geese flap there wings splashing water  before preening themselves. I pull away from the rail following Sonny farther into the park. Passing a couple carriges and horses walking down the path. We stop by the larger bridge that crossed the water. It was gorgoues with the leafs falling.
"Grace," I stop turning to face Sonny. He takes both of my hands."I've met your family... You've met mine. Now I think it's time we become one big family. "He kneels down pulling put a small black box. Tears well up in my eyes throat swells. "Will you make me the happiest man in the  world and become Mrs. Carisi?" At this point I couldn't talk I just frantically nodded.  Finally stammering out.
"Yes-s!" I let him take my hand slipping a ring on I didn't even look at it. When he stood I  jumped into his arms almost making Sonny fall. I kiss him roughly my feet dangling as he  softly placed me back down."I love you." I whisper as my lips leave his.
"I love you too." He held me in his arms for a while I rested my head in his chest just breathing in his scent. "Happy two year Anniversary." He says softly.

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