Time Off Part 7

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(Small note I reread this but I did write this on my phone at 1am. So sorry about any mistakes.)

Sonny invited me to go with him to Florida for a three day weekend. We had four days off but the last one was so we could come back and relax before work.  I agreed why not we have been together for 4 months. And I could us a vacation.

"So your taking vacations together. "Amanda asks as I pack.  
"Yeah I'm excited but super anxious." I smile.
"Why?" She asks.
"I don't know to be honest I zip my bag sitting down. " I sigh.
"You'll be fine," Amanda states patting my back. "I got to go. Have fun, " she smiles I walk to the door with my bag locking the door. I head to Sonny's I was sleeping at his house since we where leaving early. I set my bag by the door as he let me in. I smile he ushers me in I feel his hand on my back. He shuts the door. We go to bed early. I wake to the beeping of the alarm clock.  Climbing out of bed I get changed for the flight Sonny's arms snaked around my waist he kisses my neck.  I smile as he let's go we head out I fall asleep on the plane. Waking we are in Florida it was about six we get our room. And just order room service. I set my plate to the side.  Turning to Sonny who was just smiling. He leans in towards me.  His hand on the side  of my face. His lips hit mine and soon he was on top of me. He pulled my shirt off another thing lead to another and now I was laying half asleep  my head on his chest. 
I woke still entangled in Sonny.  I felt him playing with my hair.  I smile looking up to him.  He kisses me softly. Before going to get out of bed.  I feel a cool sensation as he gets up. He was still naked I'm not going to lie the view was nice.
"What are you smirking at?" He asked.
"Oh nothing just enjoying the view."I smile as he walks into the bathroom.  I slide out of bed getting dressed.  I felt arms snake around my waist making me smile.  I turn to face him leaning my head on his chest.
We head to the beach the sun felt good on my pale skin it's been a while since I could tan naturally. I go to the edge of the water I wasn't expecting Sonny to come up behind me picking me up and taking deeper in before dropping me. I glare at him he laughs causing me to laugh.  This was nice the day was coming to a close and we where walking through a park. Sonny stops  I turn to him.
"Grace,  I love you." He states pulling me close.
"I love you too." I smile he kisses roughly.  When he pulls away I had a huge smile on my face.  We had back to the hotel.
We where flying back tonight but we had today so we went around the city of Miami enjoying ourselves. We get back to the hotel after we eat dinner grabbing our bags and checking out.  We head to the airport.  I fell asleep on the plane again.  Then  when we got back I just stayed at Sonny's for the night.  The next day was when he asked.
"Why don't you move in?" He said as I woke up.
"Huh?" I asked not sure if I heard him right.
"Move in... your basically here all the time anyway." He smiles.
I nod at this."Yeah I would like that."
"Good" he kisses my forehead.
Later I put on shorts and a tank top.  "I'm going to head to the gym." I call to Sonny who was playing video games.
"Okay sweetheart." I kiss him on the cheek before leaving I laugh as I hear Sonny day something about at least I have a girlfriend to his friends online.
I was walking home from the gym  it was dusk. I stopped for a second cause I heard something taking my head phones out.  I felt someone grab me hand over my mouth it was the creep from before. 
"No boyfriend to save you this time. How was Florida?" He mocks. I struggle but that's when he bangs my head on the concrete. I Am in and out of  consciousness. I felt warm blood on my head. I felt pain. I begin to wake up realizing what has happened. I was tied up my arms above my head tape over my mouth. Legs tied to different bed posts. I was scared.  I felt tears run down my face.  
"Your awake good. " The creep said."You can call me Spade.  It's not my name but I can't tell you that. Your a present for someone that I owe to bad to cause I could really keep you.  But I just get one use out of you."He smirks.  He comes over cutting my clothes off.  As he moved out of the way I could see it was day time Sonny had to be looking for me.  The guy rips the duct tape off my mouth causing me to yelp. He grabs my face  shoving pills in my mouth. "Swallow them." The blade he used to undress me was now at my face. I did as told not knowing what I had swallowed but it made me go in and out of reality I could feel him on me.  Kissing me but I didn't care.  I was high on something and my body wouldn't listen to me my mind just clocked out.  I remember the door opening and seeing another man come in that's when they untied me.  I couldn't move they just flopped me over. And kept going.  Soon I just blacked out. I woke tied up this time the chain went around my waist there was a skimpy see through dress laid on the floor  I was naked.  So I put it on.  Forcing it through the chain.  I was cold I set close to the wall shivering. I see my phone on the table it was off. If I could get it on They could trace my number. I walk over it was about 2 feet out of reach.  I forced myself to grab it.  Even though my waist felt like it was being cut in half I scurry to the wall. Sonny had sent me multiple texts and calls.  I text him. I don't know where I am. But not safe.  I'll call you track it.  I called hiding my phone. As I hear foot steps.  "Look who is awake." Spade states.  "I have a friend for you. " He points to the girl who looked barely fourteen. He had her by the hair.  Coming over he starts tying her top the bed like he did me.
"No stop!" I call.
"Why are you jealous?" He bends  down to me holding my face. I nod "oh you want it?" He whispers. Pulling me up. Pushing me againist the pillar I was tied to. He  stopped whispering,"to bad your not mine to take. "
"Can you get him? Please sir, " I ask softly he nods leaving the room.  I slide down.  The girl is crying.
"You'll be okay.  I won't let it happen to you." I say to her she nods. The guy is give for a long time.  I hear the door bust open and yelling along with gunfire. I hear feet coming down the steps.
"So your boyfriend is a cop." He says to me.
"So am I," I state he grabs me holding a gun to my head undoing my chain. I hear feet come down the steps to see Sonny. "Sonny,"I yell going to struggle but the pistol pressed againist my head. Making me stop.
"Please, don't hurt him. " I say to spade.
"Let her go!" Sonny aimed his gun.
"If you let me go. Maybe." Spade said.
"We can work it out." Sonny states "Just let her go. "
"Okay, " he loosens his grip but as I get away he shots  me. "I let her go. " I fall to the ground. Holding my side he grazed me in purpose so they would be distracted. Nick went after him with Fin.  Liv and Amanda looked for keys to get the teenager out.  Sonny had wrapped me in his jacket and was keeping pressure on my wound.
"I knew you would find me. " I say weakly. He nods looking like he was in tears.  I wake up in a hospital. Sonny  was at my side.  I reach out to him since his head my in his hands.  I grab one of his hands.
"Sonny? " my voice hoarse.
"Oh Grace,"he kisses my hand. " They said you would be fine I just couldn't leave you."
"Sonny did they do a rape kit? They have to do one. " I state. 
He nods"There was three different DNAS. They won't let me work  on the case they think I should stay out of it. "
"They know one of them has yours though right?" He nods.
"I told them we where together before you left yesterday. They took my Dna just to match it so there is no lope hole in the case. "Sonny states. "They also said you had drug's in your system." Liv and Manda comes in to take my statement. Sonny moves but stays in the room shutting the door.
"Tell us what happened." Liv states.
"I was coming home from the gym and I heard something I spotted to look.  That is when he grabbed me he has followed me home before. He said I had no boyfriend to protect me this time.  And how did I enjoy Florida. Before he smashed my head into the brick.  Next thing I know is waking up tied to a bed and tape over my mouth.  He said he was called spade that I was a gift.  But he was going to have a try anyway.  That's when he ripped the duct tape off my mouth made my swallow pills. He held a knife to my throat. He left me alone for a few minutes he cut my clothes off. I remember  him touching me and kissing me  climbing on top of me but it is all one big blurry vision. The drugs made me feel numb I just clocked out of my mind my body wouldn't move. I do remember  the door opening a man came in big white he untied me and took over he tossed me around." I state,"Sorry the drugs made everything blurry. The girl I had to stop her from getting raped she was only a teenager so I got spade to  come to me. Shortly after you got there."
" We know why and how but since the question is going to come up. How did Sonny's Dna get there.  We'll before I went to the gym that day....." Skip to trial." Sonny and I had consensual sex. He is my boyfriend. " I state.
"Miss Sutton, do you think Sonny would ever hurt you?" Barbra asks.
"No he would never." I was appalled.
"No, more qeustions."
" Miss Sutton you said the suspect has followed you before? Why not report it?"
"It was one time I haven't seem him since."
"You said you encouraged him to take you again?"
"Yes too save the...."
"So maybe it wasn't rape maybe your just trying to cover up so your boyfriend doesn't know. Is that right?"
"He shot me and chained me up drugged me and gang raped me. You really think that is enjoyable?" I gasp.
"Some people fine it to be." He states.
"Objection!" Barbra states.
"Withdrawn," he sits down. I was on the verge of tears. I felt some run down my face. I go in the hall crying. Liv tells me to go sit in there so the jury can see me. I sit right behind Barbra. Sonny was on stand.
"So tell us a bit about Grace," Barbra states.
" Well she is sweet, and loves to help  people. She is very quiet and shy." Sonny states.
"Does this seem like something she  would be willing to go do?" Barbra asks.
"Oh no," Sonny shakes his head." She believes in waiting."
"How did your Dna get in the mix?" Barbra conutines.
" Well before she left  for the gym. We had some fun. We had the day off."
"Why not use protection?" Barbra states.
"We do she is on birth control and we aren't worried about diseases since we only sleep with each other."
"What about past relationships?" Barbra asks.
"Well I got  tested. She though was a virgin." Sonny states.
"That's all."
"No questions for this witness."
The trial went on and now it was  time for judgements.
" For James "spade" Miller we find guiltily of kidnapping on two counts and the rape and assault of a police officer." The jury lady stated. "On the count of Gregory Malarkey we find guilty on  the charge of rape. " They both got put on the registry and spade got 20 years Gregory got 10 years. I started therapy.

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